  • 學位論文


A Research on Coopetition Strategy of Mobile Phone Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


在全球每13人就有一支手機的情況下,手機可以說是現代人所不可缺少的日常生活必需品。本研究將針對手機產業在台灣科技產業的地位,市場的總規模進行廠商競合策略之研究。研究目的包括台灣手機產業之ODM (Original Design Manufacturing)和OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)研發技術及生產管理能力,台灣手機產業面對大陸與韓國等競爭對手之因應,與未來發展趨勢進行研析,俾供決策參考。 台灣的資訊電子產業傳統的成功模式,就是與國外大廠合作為其做OEM部分,早期由於員工素質高且勤奮,再加上整個產業結構完整及「生產協力網絡」及時發展,使整個產業掌握了品質、交期、彈性、成本及創新等幾個製造優勢構面,更不斷的加強製程效率、品質與規模經濟,終於發展出深具產業影響力與國際競爭力的專業電子代工競爭優勢。近年來,因為產品生命週期大幅縮短、且競爭激烈,使產品價格快速的變化,全球資訊、電子大廠為了降低營運成本,紛紛將利潤較低,取代性高的製造、組裝等業務加速外包(Outsourcing)給電子專業代工廠製造;因此讓台灣的電子代工業者有機會更蓬勃發展,規模也日益茁壯。 本研究採取次級資料分析與個案研究法,藉個案探討方式進行探索性之研究,由產業環境分析,檢視台灣業者在手機產業的競爭優劣勢,並探究產業內廠商之間的競爭合作關係及價值的選擇與匹配,以期獲得我國手機代工產業經營策略之定位,歸納出業者未來在產業價值之評估及競爭關係所須努力的方向。 研究結果發現,國內廠商已由過去的單純代工,走向整機開發設計兼品牌經營,加上複製過去個人電腦產業的上下游完整供應鏈體系,藉由ODM與OBM (Own Branding & Manufacturing)擴大經營版圖,此時經營策略重點在於快速提升研發與設計能力,本研究將只針對台灣手機代工產業來探討其產業特性及競合關係,面對逐漸廣大市場且快速興起的大陸手機業者,台灣手機廠商,與萌芽中的大陸第三代行動通訊系統設備商相契合,藉此與大陸手機產業,創造兩岸雙贏的格局。 在傳統ODM之模式下,選擇不同之合作夥伴。傳統電信業者常以雙品牌行銷﹙手機大廠品牌及電信業者或通路品牌﹚之方式販售搭配門號之手機,電信業者會將開發之產品視為其品牌價值之一環。手機大廠之光環不在所以企業在發展一般性策略,必須對產品、市場及獨特能力做一致性選擇。,除強化產品之差異化,整合資源及針對特定市場發展行銷策略,需注意資源排擠效應。競爭對手可利用龐大之財務資源及資金優勢,串聯他廠進行攻擊。個案公司現行之發展雖然具有相對優勢,仍須認真規劃競爭性計畫,選擇合適及一致性的事業層級策略,將資源妥善分配。台灣的手機代工廠由於競爭性高及替代性高所以必須要因應變動的環境不斷地調整產品及市場的策略選擇以適應產業變動的條件。


This research aims to study the business strategies of mobile phone industry by analyzing the industry’s positioning among industries in Taiwan and the industry’s production volume as well as its dynamics. The research objectives are to investigate the R&D techniques and production management capabilities of Taiwanese mobile phone industry, to examine the strategies of production, distribution, R&D, design and development of the mobile phone manufacturers and coopetition relationship between suppliers and customers in Taiwan. It is hoped that the findings of the research will be helpful to the strategy formulation of mobile phone industry in Taiwan. Due to the difficulty in data collection, this research applied both data analysis and case study for examination. The case study was used to conduct exploratory research. The industrial and environmental analyses were adopted to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Taiwanese mobile phone industry. The selection and distribution of industrial values were also examined in order to figure out the positioning of the business strategies in the mobile phone industry in Taiwan. The research concluded with the future direction for mobile phone manufacturers in terms of the consolidation of industrial values, enhancement of organizational management and competitive dynamics. The research found that the Taiwanese mobile phone manufacturers have transformed from offering the pure OEM to engaging in development, design and branding. The mobile phone industry adopted the complete supply chain system of the personal computer industry to expand the business horizon with its ODM and OBM capabilities. The business strategy now should be committed to quickly enhance the R&D and design capabilities to move from the assembly service of the midstream and downstream to the chip development of the upstream to step forward to IP R&D and manufacturing stages and to direct the future development towards the upper two ends of the “Smiling Curve.” In the face of the quickly growing Chinese market and rising mainland Chinese mobile phone competitors,Taiwanese mobile phone manufacturers should work with the emerging equipment manufacturers of the third generation mobile telecommunication on the mainland to create a win-win situation for the both sides through coopetition.


2.李順騫(民93) ,企業經營策略與產業聚群關係之研究─以蘇州地區台商印刷電路板產業為例,中原大學企業管理研究所碩士學位論文。
10.鄭永祥 (民94),台灣消費性電子產品廠商知覺環境不確定性、競爭策略、產品策略與經營績效關係之研究—以手機與數位相機廠商為例,中原大學企管研究所碩士論文。
11.廖志明 (民95),HDI手機板產業之競合策略,台灣大學國際企業管理研究所碩士論文。


