  • 學位論文


Study on Cessation of the Complsory Execution in Tax Law’s Accessment Disposition

指導教授 : 盛子龍


中文摘要 本論文以「論稅法上核課處分停止執行之研究」為題,主要研究現行稅務爭訟案件有關停止執行制度是否能符合有效的權利保護並能兼顧行政效能要求之議題,共分為七章。以下就各章內容約略說明: 第一章 緒論 包括研究動機、目的與研究範圍。 第二章 稅務爭訟之程序標的與爭訟標的概說 本章係探討有效權利保護與行政效能維護的調和問題,對現行行政爭訟實務操作究係以核課稅捐處分或復查決定作為程序標的之探討及復查決定之程序標的內容研究,整理實務見解,分析實務發展之訴訟標的採總額主義或爭點主義之運作方式及檢討。 第三章 行政爭訟停止執行制度之設計與國外立法規定 本章探討行政爭訟採停止執行原則與不停止執行原則規範之意義,參考德國行政法院法第80條及租稅通則第361條規定內容,分析日本停止執行制度與我國制度之關係。 第四章 法院外行政救濟停止執行法制及實務操作 本章探討法院外行政救濟有關停止執行法制及實務操作,包含當然停止執行法制、稅捐稽徵法第40條規定內容分析及實務操作問題研析。 第五章 行政訴訟有關停止執行法制及實體審查標準 本章探討行政訴訟法相關規定與適用上相關問題探討,分析聲請停止執行之要件,及審理模式檢討。 第六章 稅務爭訟停止執行的本土化特殊案型 本章探討訴願決定或行政法院判決撤銷原復查決定,稅捐稽徵機關為重核復查決定時,應否停止執行之研究。 第七章 結論 就本研究結果與建議,以要點式說明與論述。


Abstract This research focuses on enforcement suspension of tax administration disposition in taxation laws. Basically, this research investigates taxation dispute cases to understand whether its enforcement suspension system can effectively protect rights and maintain administrative efficiency. The thesis covers 7 chapters, and brief introductions of each chapter are as follows: 1. Introduction This section covers research motives, purposes and scope. 2. Procedural targets of taxation disputes This chapter explores how to balance effective rights protection and administrative efficiency, by analyzing if procedural targets should be subject to tax disposition or judicial decision, as well as the content of procedural targets of judicial decisions. This section integrates practical experiences, and analyzes the operations of applying a tax sum-oriented approach or issue-oriented approach on litigation targets in practice. This section ends with a review of the cases. 3. The design of enforcement suspension for administrative disputes and legislation in other countries In Chapter 3, the research determines how administration litigation defines the principle of enforcement suspension and compulsive enforcement, with reference to Article 80 of German Administrative Law and Article 361 of German Tax Regulation. This chapter also analyzes the relation between the Japanese enforcement suspension system and Taiwan's system. 4. Regulations and practices of suspension of enforcement in administration remedy This chapter discusses the regulations and practices regarding suspension of enforcement in administration remedial action, including suspension of enforcement per se, analysis of Article 40 of the Tax Collection Act, and research on practical problems. 5. Regulations on suspension of enforcement and review standards in Administrative Litigation Law This chapter explores the regulations in Administrative Litigation Law and possible problems that may occur when enforcing the law. This chapter also analyzes the requirements for application for suspension of enforcement and reviews judicial patterns. 6. Specific local case studies of suspension of enforcement in taxation disputes This chapter discusses if enforcements should be suspended when decisions are nullified because of appeals or administrative court verdicts and revenue service authorities’ reviews of the original decisions. 7. Conclusion The section demonstrates research results and suggestions with bullet points.


1. 洪家殷,《論核課處分》,收錄當代公法新論(中)(翁岳生教授祝壽論文編輯委員會編輯),2002年5月,學林文化事業有限公司
2. 陳清秀,《稅法總論》,90年10月二版,翰蘆圖書出版有限公司
3. 陳清秀,《行政訴訟法》,88年6月初版,翰蘆圖書出版有限公司


