  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Business Strategies for Transforming the Traditional Taiwan Manufacturers to Tourist Factories

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


隨著近年來台灣經濟持續成長,國民所得年年提高,人類對觀光活動的需求隨之增加。故一方面將具有歷史、教育、文化價值的製造業創新轉型觀光休閒產業之經營型態,以「借力使力,活化企業」帶來永續經營的新契機;另一方面提供遊客感官、情感、思考、行動之知識體驗,以「參觀不一樣的工廠,體驗不一樣的知識」帶來觀光旅遊的新視野。 本研究採用個案研究法,以領有營利事業登記證及工廠登記證之製造業者,且同時願意投入相對資源進行企業轉型之傳統產業者為研究對象,探討核心製造本業之轉型條件、轉型為觀光工廠之事業層級策略及轉型績效評估等探討。 本研究針對業者所在地的縣市政府的資源投入因素、產業的特色及業者的轉型動機及企圖心,選定泉順食品、金良興窯業、奇聖石業及聖祖食品進行深度訪談,然後根據訪談記錄進行深入逐字稿分析,再經由次級資料及個案彙整後推導命題,以獲得相關研究結論與建議。 本研究推導出區位優勢、獨特能力、變革促因、轉型動機、組織策略、行銷策略投資策略及經營策略等命題。最後,從上述之命題,得到有關於理論與實務的相關結論,分別就觀光工廠業者、政府承辦單位及學術教學單位提出建議。


With continuous economic growth and rising national income in Taiwan, the people ‘s demand for tourism and leisure is increasing. Therefore, on the one hand, transform the manufacturing industry with historical, educational and cultural value to tourist factory. On the other hand, provide the tourists with knowledgeable experience emotionally and physically, which will bring new vision to the tourism industry. The case study research method was applied. And the objects of this study were traditional manufacturers with Business Registration Certificate and Factory Registration Certificate who are willing to invest relative resources on transforming the companies. The transformation requirements, strategies and business performance were explored for the core manufacturing companies. According to the local government resources, industrial characteristics and the company’s motive and ambition for transformation, we visited and interviewed Chuan Suen Foods Co. LTD., Jin Liang Sing Brick Company, Chiyi-sheng Stone Company and Sheng Zu Food & Beverage Corporation. And based on the interview records and secondary data, a profound analysis was made in order to acquire study results and suggestions. This study infers several topics including geographical superiority, unique ability, the factor of revolution, transformation motive, organizational strategy, marketing strategy, investment strategy and management strategy. Finally, refer to the above topics, theoretical and practical conclusions were obtained. The study also provided some suggestions to tourist factory owners, government controls and academic institutes.


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