  • 學位論文


Prosecution and Control on the Economic Organized Crime

指導教授 : 黃朝義


經濟型組織犯罪屬於社會工商發達下之新興型態犯罪,此種型態之犯罪係以攫取大量非法經濟上利益為其主要目的,故此類組織犯罪在形式上大多數均已褪去暴力形態之外衣,而改以企業體等合法型態出現;加上該類犯罪活動之實施,在一般情況下欠缺直接被害人甚至無具體被害人(無被害人之犯罪)。其結果,在實務上若欲對此經濟型組織犯罪進行相關犯罪之偵查可能有所困難,甚且亦會使得此類經濟型組織犯罪猖獗與氾濫。 基此,在全球經濟型組織犯罪日漸增加之今日,想當然耳,擬定相關之抗制對策有其重要性及迫切性。我國對於組織犯罪活動的防制已訂有組織犯罪防制條例、洗錢防制法、通訊保障及監察法等相關規定,惟相關法制的運作仍有諸多不甚妥適之處,因此,本論文擬僅就我國現行法制下抗制組織犯罪所採行之通訊監察、洗錢防制與擴大沒收等制度,進行一系列之回顧與檢討,此外,本論文亦將參酌美、日諸國抗制組織犯罪之相關法制經驗進行比較研究,並藉此提出相關法制修正建議,以期強化我國抗制經濟型組織犯罪之成效。 本論文整體論述架構上,共分為下列六章: 第一章 緒論 第二章 經濟型組織犯罪與相關法制研修 第三章 通訊監察與相關法制研修 第四章 洗錢犯罪防制與相關法制研修 第五章 沒收制度與相關法制研修 第六章 結論


Economic organized-crime is a newly risen type of crime in developing societies. The main purpose of this kind of crime is to seize great quantities of illegal economic interests. It is to reach this purpose; most organized-crime has taken of violence shape and appeared as legal enterprises right now. Generally speaking, there are lacking of directive victims and even no victims while this category of crime been committed. For this reason, it is perplexity to investigate organized-crime in practice. It also causes economic organized-crime rampant and unchecked spreading. As Economic organized-crime becomes globalization with increasing number, it become urgent, also significant, to draft strategies to prosecute and control the organized-crime. Several regulations are provided in Taiwan to be against those crimes, such as “The Law of Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act”, “The Money Laundering Control Act.”, “Communications Surveillance Act”. But in fact, these regulations are not as appropriate as they supposed to be. Accordingly, the aim of this dissertation is to review these regulations and provide some suggestions for emending these regulations in Taiwan with comparative studies preferring the related regulations of United State and Japan. The fragmentation of this dissertation is composed of six chapters presented as following: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Economic organized-crimes and suggestions for emending the related regulations Chapter 3: Communications Surveillance Act and the way of revision Chapter 4: A Study and an Advisement of “The Money Laundering Control Act” Chapter 5: Regulations of Forfeiture: A Reply Chapter 6: Conclusion


1. 李傑清,『剝奪組織犯罪所得之研究-台灣及日本組織犯罪現象與對策之比較』,元照出版,民國九十年十月。
1. 王兆鵬,「組織犯罪防制條例評析」,台大法學論叢第二十八卷第一期,民國八十七年十月。
16. 蔡墩銘,「監聽與強制處分」,法令月刊第四十二卷第六期,民國八十年六月。
10. 戚仁俊,「洗錢犯罪立法之研究—以金融機構立法規制探討為中心」,刑事法雜誌,第三十九卷第一期,民國八十四年二月。
11. 戚仁俊,「洗錢犯罪立法之研究—以金融機構立法規制探討為中心」,輔仁法學,第十四期,民國八十四年六月。


