  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study on the Role of Accountants Playing in ERP Implementation Stages

指導教授 : 王文英 戚務君


由於資訊科技及電子商務的蓬勃發展,使得企業經營環境變得複雜而多變,企業為求永續生存,借重資訊科技來整合全公司之營運訊息變得相當重要,而企業資源規劃(簡稱ERP)就是一個結合科技與管理的新觀念。 會計是一種提供計數性資訊的資訊系統,當企業導入ERP之後,會計人員原本所發揮之功能已漸被取代,因此在ERP盛行的現今環境之下,有必要對會計人員所扮演的角色重新思考。本研究之目的即在於探討ERP導入各階段會計人員所扮演之角色。 本研究首先透過個案研究之方法,來歸納出會計人員在ERP導入各階段所扮演的角色,然後利用個案研究所歸納出之結果設計問卷,並發放給其他也導入ERP之企業。本研究共針對100家導入ERP軟體之企業的會計主管進行問卷調查,回收問卷44份,在利用簡單的敘述性統計及t檢定後,獲的以下結論: 會計人員在ERP導入之各階段確實有不同可扮演之角色。在ERP導入前評估階段,會計人員通常為ERP專案小組成員之一,主要扮演一般評估者之角色。在ERP導入準備過程階段,會計人員首先會對企業各部門之作業流程進行了解,然後負責扮演與前端部門溝通協調者之角色;在新系統正式上線前,並為系統運行之正確性測試把關。在ERP導入上線後階段,會計人員的角色已由資料的準備者及處理者轉變為資料的檢查者及調整補正者,並藉由系統即時性之功能,扮演分析及提供即時資訊之角色;為避免前端人員重複的出錯,會計人員即使在ERP導入後仍會持續扮演與前端user溝通協調者之角色。對會計部門整體而言,ERP之導入所帶來的主要效益為會計資訊品質的提昇。


As information technology and e-business develop, the environment of business has become more complex and changeable. It is very important to integrate all information through information technology for enterprise. Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) is a new concept to combine technology and management. Accounting is an information system to provide financial information. When enterprise implements ERP, most of the functions provided by accountants are replaced. So in today’s environment, we should rethink the position of accountant in enterprise. The purpose of this research is to explore the role of accountants playing in ERP implementation stages. This research first concluded the role of accountants playing in ERP implementation stages by the way of case study. Then we used the result concluded by case study to design questionnaires and mailed to other enterprise that also implement ERP. Questionnaires were mailed to the heads of accounting department in 100 firms. After analyzing 44 useful samples with descriptive statistics and t test, this research find: Accountants play different roles in each ERP implementation stage. In surveying ERP software stage, accountant is one of the ERP project team members and plays a surveyor. In implementing ERP process stage, accountant first realizes the working process of each department and plays the role to communicate with other departments. In ERP system try-run stage, accountant should be a tester to assure the ERP system running correctly. When ERP implementation is completed, the role of accountant is changed from preparing and key-in data to checking and adjusting data. Because of the real-time and integration in ERP system, accountant also plays the role to analyze and provide real-time information. To avoid other department’s key-in error repeatedly, accountant still plays the role to communicate with other departments after ERP implementation completed. For accounting department, the main benefit from ERP implementation is to improve the accounting information quality


Accountants ERP


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