  • 學位論文

探討鄰里公園恢復性環境設計之模式語言 — 以中壢市莒光公園與中正公園為例 —

Exploring the Pattern language of Restorative Environmental Design of Neighborhood Parks - A case study of Jyu-Guang Park and Jhong-Jheng Park, Chungli City

指導教授 : 周融駿


環境本身若具有恢復性體驗的效果,便能稱之為恢復性環境,該類型環境能幫助人們紓壓、消除不良情緒、減少心理疲勞並恢復注意力。在台灣由於工作繁忙、高齡化、少子化等因素,導致現代生活壓力愈來愈大,如何維持身心健康已逐漸被人們所重視。都市鄰里公園已成為最親近人們生活的戶外休閒場所,如何發展其促進身心健康之效益是值得近一步探討的問題。因此,本研究試圖探討鄰里公園恢復性環境設計之模式,使人們平日使用公園的同時,也能自然而然紓解其身心壓力。 本研究採用非參與式觀察法與半結構式訪談以進行實證資料的蒐集。非參與式觀察法以「使用者如何與公園環境互動」為觀察之重點,紀錄使用者的社會屬性、使用時段、位置與活動;半結構式訪談以「公園環境的偏好」為訪問之主架構,了解使用者與公園環境的互動方式。研究發現使用者達到身心恢復之主要途徑有三種,依序為運動、社交行為及環境體驗,而自然元素是最多人偏好的公園環境因子。 本研究參考Christopher Alexander《建築模式語言》的架構,整合研究結果發展55組恢復性鄰里公園之模式語言,分類為「規劃定位」、「公園整體性的提升」、「自然元素」、「動線系統」、「結構物」與「其他」。本研究認為,鄰里公園要達到完善的恢復性環境是可行的,但需要法規的相互配合;為了增強鄰里公園的恢復性,公園的「開放」與「封閉」需要適度的取捨與平衡,且在地居民對「公共」的認知需要改變。恢復性環境強調人與環境之互動以達到身心靈的恢復,本研究期望模式語言作為一種有效的設計工具,能為鄰里公園建構一個恢復性環境的基礎。


If the environment has the effect of restorative experiences, it can be called the restorative environment. The restorative environment can help people relive stress, eliminate negative emotions, reduce metal fatigue and restore attention. Pressure of work, aging society and low fertility give rise to stress of life, and thus people pay more attention to how to reach the physical and mental health. When neighborhood parks have become the most accessible outdoor open space, how to develop their benefits of health is worth discussing. Therefore, the research aims to explore the Pattern Languages of restorative neighborhood parks. The purpose of the system is to naturally relieve people’s stress when in a restorative park. The data collection methods include non-participating observation and semi-structure interview. Non-participate observation emphasizes how people use the park, recording users’ demographic data, time sessions, locations and activities. Semi-structure interviewing focuses in environmental preferences, understanding the way of people interesting with parks. The findings show that there are three ways for people to promote the health, including exercise, social activities, and environment experiences. Natural elements are the most attractive factor in the environment of parks. The research refers to the structure of Christopher Alexander’s book, A Pattern Language” ,in order to integrate findings and develop 55 patterns of the restorative park, classified into “planning orientation”, “enhancement of park integrity”, “natural elements”, “circulation systems”, “structures” and “others”. The research concludes that it is feasible to achieve the restorative environment of neighborhood parks, but it needs support from regulations. In order to enhance the restoration of neighborhood parks, “openness” and “enclosure” need balance, and local perception of public space needs change. It is also required a fine-turning to residents in cognitive concept. To sum up, restorative environment emphasizes the enhancement of interaction between people and environment to promote health. The research expects the pattern language can function as an effective tool of design to build a foundation of restorative neighborhood parks.




