  • 學位論文


Designing a motion script of 3D software agents

指導教授 : 賀嘉生


九十年代以來,專家學者們投身於知識共用與代理人通訊語言的研究領域,然而通訊語言對於許多人而言,仍然是望之卻步。如此在開發與設計上則無法充份彰顯直覺與友善。本研究將主要研究項目,聚焦至軟體公仔、姿勢地圖、指令編碼上,利用劇本表示法建置3D軟體公仔的動作指令系統,期能結合智慧型代理人之應用,使對於程式或3D模型較不熟悉的使用者,亦可自行進行客製化,開發3D軟體公仔劇本。   本研究開發具友善使用者介面的編輯器,設計代理人之相關動作指令,並以劇本表示法描述代理人的表現行為。目標係建立輔助使用者控制軟體公仔表演行為之系統,且此系統可做為其他系統之輔助工具,或成為其他系統之子系統,使快速產生軟體公仔,大幅降低開發成本。本文設計之軟體公仔-A-Mu,由頭、身、左手、右手、左腳、右腳共六個組件構成,各個部位皆可做三軸旋轉,且針對其靈活與彈性的肢體動作規範合理姿勢表,並探討所表現的姿勢情感與動作情感。   在公仔的表現描述上,本研究選擇採用劇本表示法,將行為流程模組化,兼顧知識重用性與調適性,依據人類思考模式來表達知識,利用姿勢劇本、動作劇本、表演劇本進行代理人的姿勢動作的編碼與轉換成表演規則庫。本系統亦實作動作指令,以較為人類所熟悉的自然語言命名,使不了解程式碼運作的人們,也可以簡單地使用由系統開發者所定義之動作指令,來完成預定的呈現動作。   由成果可看出,本研究設計之系統達到預期功能,簡化軟體公仔開發過程,提供使用者快速地產生劇本,並以動作指令有效控制表演行為。文末總結與論述本系統未來工作,將擴充軟體公仔功能與動作指令,延伸劇本架構至描述代理人與使用者的互動,使設計者、代理人、使用者三方緊密結合。


Since 1990s, many researchers made effort on knowledge sharing and agent communication language (ACL). However, to make ACL development and design more intuitive and friendly, there is still room for improvement. Integrating posture status map (PSM) with motion instructions, this research proposes a script system of 3D software agents. Hence, those users who are not familiar with programming or 3D model can also have their customization of agent scripts.   A user-friendly editor with designated motion instructions is created to describe agent behaviors in script form. The script representation is analyzed in modular operating process, with reusable and scalable knowledge of human thinking patterns. To coding agent postures and actions, posture script and action script are designed by rule base. Motion instructions named after human language are developed for easy programming.   An instruction execution system is developed to support the agent script executed through a control panel or a software library. Users can rapidly produce software agent with reduced development costs. An example software agent, A-Mu, composed of six components: head, body, left hand, right hand, left foot and right foot, is designed with rotatable axes and flexible/elastic body movements. A reasonable posture table with motions and actions is planned for its operations. Experiments show some desired functionality can be achieved and simplified for users to quickly and easily generate the necessary scripts and control the agent motions effectively. The agent functions will be extended in the near future, especially the interactions with hardware and users.


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