  • 學位論文


The Effect of Cooperative Learning on English as a Foreign Language Writing for Taiwanese University Students

指導教授 : 宋正邦


摘要 此研究在調查合作學習模式對台灣大學生在英語寫作上影響的程度。此研究採用為期八周的授課時間;主要根據合作學習模式,利用小組活動並且於每組中各別指派特定角色給每位學生為訓練方式。 研究樣本將學生分為對照組和實驗組;兩組均有中級至高級相同寫作程度之性質。全部樣本大小共為五十二位大學學生,將其平均分配為實驗組和對照組兩組。所有參與者均為主修應用語言學及外語研究之大學三年寫作課學生。 研究者實施模擬考試,模擬考試測驗標準的原始來源主要按照雅思 (IELTS)官方寫作考試第二部分題型;及公開標準版本作為寫作範本,前測及後測寫作成績做為這兩組學生之衡量標準。其次對參與者做十六個相關題目等級問卷調查,然後針對問卷最高及最低分者進行深入的訪談。其目的在於利用模擬考試、問卷、訪談等三角測量方式,使此訓練計畫的寫作測驗達到有效的標準範圍和成效。 經由實驗組學生寫作成績的進步;從分析其過程中獲得,這個研究調查在統計上展現出重要的結果。從實驗組後測的分數顯示,大部分學生的平均分數在雅思(IELTS)官方英語測驗等級(0-9級)上進步了一個等級。此外,參與者寫作成績的提高,結果顯示可直接歸功於最初研究中所使用的合作學習模式。參與學生多數認為,合作的學習模式確實增進他們的寫作成績,並且指出合作學習模式在英語寫作的教學上是個可實行的教學方式。


The present study examines the extent to which a cooperative mode of learning can influence writing outcomes of EFL university students. It employed an eight-week training program based on cooperative learning (CL) which utilized group work activities and assigned active roles to each member of the group for most of the sessions. There was a control and experimental group; both of which were homogenous intact groups with intermediate to advanced levels of writing. The total sample size for the treatment and control groups was 52 and evenly distributed for each class with 26 participants each. All participants were Applied Linguistics and Language Studies majors in their third-year writing class at the undergraduate level. As the primary resource to measure the writing outcomes of the participants, the researcher administered a mock International English Language Testing System (IELTS) writing task two and applied the standardized rubric (public version) to each writing sample. In order to gauge the effectiveness and to triangulate written test results of the learner training program, participants were surveyed using a 16-item Likert scale, and, bottom and top achievers were interviewed using a series of in-depth queries. The findings from the study reveal statistically significant results when analyzing the gains made by the participants in the treatment group through improved writing scores. Posttest results of the treatment group show an average increase of almost a full band on the 0 to 9 IELTS scale. In addition, the participants primarily attribute improved writing as a direct result of the learner training program using CL. The general positive perspectives of the participants towards the cooperative mode of learning and improved scores indicate that CL is a viable alternative to teaching writing in an EFL context.


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