  • 學位論文


The Research of The Elderly Community Shelter-The Convenient Store of Living

指導教授 : 陳政雄


近年來隨著人口結構的快速老化,高齡者照顧問題備受關注,其中機構照顧逐漸轉為社區照顧的理念似乎成為一種潮流。過去小康計畫中,亦認為救濟院並非是唯一的選擇,反而希望透過居家服務的方式,使高齡者能夠在社區中生活,而設置了社區安養堂,這種以在地安養的方式,使貧困者不必因進住機構而遠離故鄉,且落實在地老化的社區照顧模式,正是現今所推崇的理念,但可惜,我國社區安養堂卻逐漸沒落中。 本研究以文獻探討與實地訪談調查為研究方法,藉此了解我國社區安養堂入居者的生活環境與空間使用情形,並分析比較我國社區安養堂與日本團體家屋與宅老所之理念、政策制度與發展型態,冀能為即將消逝的社區安養堂,提出改善建議。 經研究發現提出以下結論與建議: 一、社區安養堂在社會上的角色 入居者在心理上,因居住在社區安養堂裡,而造成孤僻或退化、人際關係改變的情形,也因缺乏安全感而需要更多的關懷與照顧。 二、身心機能退化的影響 對於入居者而言,罹患慢性疾病者也不在少數,雖然生活及行動能力都能自理,但也造成日常生活上的一些影響。 三、社會福利城鄉的落差 社會福利分佈不均,顯示在都市區位的社區安養堂,因人口多、資源豐富,所以社會福利團體較多,相對的,分佈於鄉村的社區安養堂,主要福利單位以公所志工團隊為主。 四、與社區的互動 入居者與附近居民往來不頻繁,表示在社區裡不完全融入社區生活,在社區裡不僅是在環境上的使用,也必須與人交往才能達到正常的社區生活。 五、休閒活動的參與 在休閒活動的類型裡高齡者以普遍性的休閒活動為主,並無強調個人興趣的培養。 六、居住狀況 主要居住樓層以二樓以上為主,一樓空間配置以公共開放空間與管理空間為主,入居者在使用情形中對於空間問題較不願表明意見,但有少部分入居者對於個人空間、浴廁及樓梯表示有問題。 七、政策方面 加強政策理念,發展小規模、家庭氣氛、個人化的生活環境,讓高齡者享有個人隱私、人性尊嚴、獨立生活步調等權利,並讓經營單位多元化,採部分收費的計畫。 八、照顧服務 職員組成的建立且強化與入居者間的生活印象,利用多元的服務內容,提升服務達到最佳品質。 九、空間規劃 座落區位的選擇符合高齡者身心的適應,空間上營造出家庭氣氛的圍塑,加強無障礙環境的設計,並導入團體生活單元照顧單位,使公共空間多機能使用,在個人空間能有自由風格的配置,而動線的處理也符合安全性。


Owing to population aging in recent years, the care issue for elderly people is getting more attention.Especially, caring in institutions are replaced by communities care gradually and the ideal seems to become a trend. The almshouse is not taken as the only choice anymore. Instead, elderly people are able to live in community through in-homeservices. It enable elderly people live in community and then an elderly community shelter will be establised.Through aging in place, elderly people don't need to move from their current place and live into the institutions. Aging in place is realized and it is also an ideal we are supporting nowadays. But, it is pity that our country's community elderly shelter is being on the downgrade. The study is based on literature review and interview surveys. Via the review and surveys, we can realize how the senior citizens live in elderly communities. As well, we can compare and analyze the difference between our country's elderly community and the Japanese Group Home / DAKUROZOU. The conclusion and suggetion as following : I. The role of the elderly community shelter in society Normally, the elderly people live in the community shelter, they easily become morose and change their interpersonal relationship. Due to these , they don't have secure with environment and need more care and attetion. II. The effect of physical degeneration Those with chronic diseases have the confusion of taking care their daily life although they are not disability. III. The difference of social welfare between city and country The unequal distribution of social welfare address that the community shelter located in urban areas have geograghic superiority, for example, the large popluation, rich material source and social welfare group assistance. Compared with those in the town, the main social welfare only has team of volunteers which belong district administration. IV. Familiarity with community We found out that the rare contact between elderly people and the people in community. It other words, it seems difficult for them to integrate the community life. In the normal community life, people should communicate and familiar with each other. V. Leisure Activities participate The leisure activities of the elderly people usually do not stress or develop their hobbies. VI. Current residential Condition They usually live in the building have two floors. The layout of first floor space are public open space and administrative space. The elderly people usually don't express their thought for space issues. Only the rare proportion of them have some opinions for individual space, bathroom and staircase. VII. Policy The policy stregthen, family atmosphere, personalized living environments enable elderly people have the personal privacy, human dignity, the right for their own speed of life. Furthermore, it also enables adiministration have diversification and charge for individual case. VIII. Care and Service The staff offer multi-service to enhance a good impression on the elderly people. Also, they utilize such multi-service to realize best quality. IX. Space Design The location selection will meet the requirement of elderly people. In the space, it is designed with the family-atmosphere like and stress with barrier-free environment. Furthermore, the development of unit care makes the public space multi-utilize and enable the personal space in free style and the circulation also meets the safety.


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