  • 學位論文


A Study of Identification and Preference of Icon Design for Elderly

指導教授 : 鄭月秀


高齡化社會與社會形態改變影響了社交行為,逐漸地高齡者必須透過電腦與網際網路或手機與親友或是子女聯繫,高齡者使用電子產品並接觸人機介面的機會也較過去增加許多。然而隨著年齡的增加而產生各種身心老化現象,著實影響高齡者使用電子產品的意願,這也使得適用於高齡者的人機介面成為重要的研究議題。由過去各項針對高齡者的人機介面研究均指出,在開發適用於高齡者之介面時不能如同針對一般青壯年的人口採取相同方式設計,應考量高齡者的需求、身體機能與心理認知能力進行設計。 本研究針對手機這項高齡者最有機會接觸的電子產品之一,測試高齡者對於主選單介面圖像的辨識程度與主觀偏好滿意度,針對測試結果進行細部分析並與一般手機使用者進行交叉比對,以了解影響高齡者認知一個圖像意義的因素。研究結果顯示,高齡者在累積一定的使用手機的經驗後會影響圖像的辨識率,並由於高齡者對於圖像外型的辨識與聯想力較差且對圖像的設計元素接受範圍較為侷限的緣故,導致對圖像的辨識率較一般使用者低。就圖像主觀偏好滿意度方面,結果顯示高齡者對於圖像的偏好滿意度越高,辨識率越高。本研究依據研究所得之辨識率與偏好滿意度分析結果,歸納出4點提昇高齡者辨識率與偏好滿意度之圖像設計原則:1. 「明喻」式設計、2. 適當的輔助圖形、3. 寫實的具象化物件以及4. 圖像設計的一致性。希冀藉由本研究的歸納與分析結果,提供未來設計師在開發高齡者電子產品介面時參考之用,以設計出符合高齡者需求之介面圖像。


The changing of social structure and the increasing of ageing population have affected the social behavior patterns of elderly. More and more elderly are using social network via the internet, mobile phone and email to connect with family members and relatives. As a result, provide more opportunities for the elderly to engage with the electronic products and online technology tools. According to a research, ageing phenomenon influences the advanced age users to use and accept the electronic products and online technology tools. Hence, when developing human-machine interface for advanced age users, designers should consider the needs, the bodily functions, and the psychological cognition of the elderly. This study uses mobile phone, one of the electronic products and commonly used by the elderly people, to test the identification of main menu’s icons and the icon preferences for advanced age users. This study also aims to analyze the test results and by cross-reference with general users to understand what factors effect advanced age users to recognize the significance of icons. From the outcome of the study, there are various factors impacted on the rate of icon identification for the elderly. Firstly, the length of experience in using mobile phone. If the elderly people have less experience and spend little time to use the mobile phone, they are unlikely to detect the icons easily. Secondly, the use of imagination. Elderly people seem to have less imagination, thus may face difficulty to link a sophisticated image appearance with a meaning. Thirdly, older people may not able to pick up or accept more advanced applications easily. Therefore, making the icon identification rate lower than a general user. On the other hand, for icon preference, the result shows that when the preference is more acceptable by advanced age user, the higher the identification rate. Based on the analysis of identification and preference, this study has concluded 4 principles: (1) Smile design, (2) Appropriate auxiliary figure, (3) Using Realistic objects, (4) Uniformity, which can enhance the identification rate and preference acceptable of icon, as well as to provide references for designers in developing the interface of electronic products for advanced age users so as to meet the needs of interface icon for elderly.


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