  • 學位論文


On Applicative Construction of Bi-directional Verbs in Mandarin Chinese

指導教授 : 羅麗蓓


近年來有些學者採納施用結構(applicative construction)來處理跨語言之間所謂的額外論元(extra argument)的問題。Tsai (2009)指出漢語由偷搶動詞和吃喝動詞引進的額外論元都是由中階施用語核可的,這個位置相當於Pylkkänen (2008)的理論中適用於某些非洲語 (Chaga, Luganda, Venda)吃喝動詞的高階施用結構。在這個中/高階施用結構上,漢語偷搶動詞所帶的額外論元表蒙受者(affectee),語用上偏向表示受損(malefactive),非洲語表示受益(benefactive)。Tsai (2009)指出受損者指向蒙受關係(affectedness),表達事件和事件參與者的關係,符合Pylkkänen的高階施用結構的句法功能。相反的,由低階施用語核可的額外論元不表達蒙受關係,而是表達所有權轉移(transfer-of-possession)之間的關係,如Paul & Whitman (2010)主張漢語給予類雙賓動詞構成低階施用結構。 與漢語形成鮮明對比的是,Pylkkänen (2008)指出西班牙語、芬蘭語、韓語都沒有高階施用結構,所以即便在這三種語言裡,語意相當於偷的動詞可以在受事論元之外新增論元,但這個額外論元還是由低階施用語來核可,表來源(source)或領屬者(present possessor),論旨角色(thematic role)可以理解為受損者。這個位置也是英語bake, cook, kick等動詞的額外論元生成的位置,語用上偏向表受益者。跨語言的差異指向句法架構的獨立性並不會受到動詞語意的影響。 在上述的理論框架內,本研究探討漢語雙向動詞 (cf. Tang (1979)),如租和借。其中,Tang (1979)和 Huang (2007)主張租出或借出是給予類動詞;租入或借入是搶偷類動詞。如此一來,前者應該構成低階施用結構,後者應構成高階施用結構。那為什麼動詞租和借,既可構成高階又可構成低階施用結構呢?本研究重新檢視語料,除了審視動詞語意、及物化和被動化這三個來檢驗高、低施用結構的測試法外,也引進漢語特殊結構,如向字句與把字句來測試並證明雙向動詞不該被分類為搶偷動詞的一種。另外還從事件和事件參與者與事件參與者之間的角度切入論證。 本研究結論呼應Cuervo (2003)對西班牙語alquila ‘rent’的分析,主張漢語的雙向動詞屬於低階施用結構。


This paper investigates the so-called bi-directional verbs in Mandarin Chinese such as zu ‘rent’ and jie ‘lend’ with a special focus on how the applied argument (extra argument) in ditransitive constructions is syntactically and semantically licensed in applicative constructions. In previous research (e.g., Tang (1979); Huang (2007); Tsai (2009)), Mandarin bi-directional verbs were categorized into two types: the give-type and the rob-type. On the one hand, according to Paul and Whitman (2010) the Mandarin give-type double object constructions could be captured by the low applicative construction. On the other hand, Tsai (2009) related the Mandarin rob-type double object constructions to the middle applicative construction, hence similar to Pylkkänen’s (2008) high applicative construction. In this study, the three diagnostics proposed by Pylkkänen (2008): verb semantics, the transitivity restrictions, and the passivization test, are applied to bi-directional verbs zu ‘rent’ and jie ‘lend’. Also, both the Xiang and Ba constructions are employed and prove that bi-directional verbs in double object constructions with inward reading can not be classified into rob-type verbs. This study then examines the semantic relationship between the applied arguments and the other sentence arguments, and whether the semantic property is captured by the syntactic structure. I conclude that the ambiguity of bi-directional verbs in Mandarin Chinese should be clearly attributed to the underspecified directionality of the applicatives as the case with Spanish alquila ‘rent’ as argued by Cuervo (2003). The extra argument of the bi-directional verbs is licensed by the low applicative construction, which expresses the meaning of “transfer”. The bi-directional meaning takes place since the low applicative head licenses both Source and Recipient. By contrast, the extra argument of the rob-type verbs is licensed by the high applicative construction, which encodes “affectedness”, not “transfer”. Thereafter, I argue that the directional reading of the rob-type verbs is not structurally encoded, but inferred conceptually.


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