  • 學位論文


The Formation and Practice of Taiwan’s 〝Higher Education Exports to Southeast Asia〞Policy

指導教授 : 陳佩修


東南亞各國與我國關係相當密切,就經濟層面而言,我國對東南亞投資累積至2009年達659.8億美元,2011年與東協10國貿易總值843.64億美元,已成為東協之第3大貿易國、第2大出口國、第4大進口國。長久以來東南亞地區的華僑多,各國多受儒家思想與佛教文化之影響,與我國文化背景同源;凡此種種均降低臺灣與東南亞國家交流互動難度。 教育部提出的臺灣高等教育輸出政策是因應國內少子化和高等學校擴張成立的現象,為解決國內大專院校日後招生不足面臨倒閉或惡性競爭的解決方法之一。臺灣欲成為東亞高等教育研究重鎮之願景,目前是以雙向方式輸出我國高等教育產業,透過持續強化招收外國學生來臺留學政策、擴大招收東南亞留學生及境外開課招生。 本研究目的包括兩大面向。一方面,期望透過對台灣高等教育之資料蒐集與彙整,以檢視國內面臨人口減少及大學招生不足的因應措施。另一方面,透過對台灣招收東南亞外籍生的政策設計及業務運作資料蒐集與分析,以瞭解其發展與現況。最後對台灣高等教育輸出東南亞的政策與執行面做探討。 臺灣高等教育輸出,不只為國內高等教育機構提供多元的生源,並且能使帶著不同文化背景來臺的國際學生們與本地學生之間有深刻的學術與文化交流,為各校創發出兼容差異的在地文化。畢竟高等教育的輸出是為了培育具有廣闊國際觀、多元文化意識和關懷的地球公民。


Taiwan has very close economic ties with Southeast Asia. In 2009, Taiwan’s cumulative investment in the region amounted to $65.98 billion, while its total value of trade with the ten ASEAN countries reached $84.364 billion in 2011. As such, Taiwan ranks third largest among ASEAN in trade volume, second largest in exports, and fourth largest in imports. Long-standing cultural commonalities – from the established overseas Chinese communities to the shared traditions of Confucianism and Buddhism – reduce the difficulties of interactions between Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Strategically, Taiwan seeks to become a higher education research hub in East Asia through a two-pronged strategy: first, by continuing to strengthen its policy of recruiting foreign students to study on the island; second, by expanding enrollment from Southeast Asia through offering courses abroad. These measures represent the core methods for exporting Taiwan’s higher education industry. The purpose of this study includes the following two dimensions. First, the information on higher education compiled for this study could be used to design measures to address shortfalls in domestic enrollment due to the declining population numbers on Taiwan. Second, by analyzing the policy design and operational data related to the recruitment of Southeast Asian students, we can grasp the current status and future developments in this field. Finally, the study allows us to assess the implementation of Taiwan’s policy of exporting higher education to Southeast Asia. After all, exporting higher education is internationalist at heart, part of cultivating a culturally aware, compassionate global citizenry.


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