  • 學位論文


The Effect of Homework and Shadow Education on 8th Grades Mathematics Achievement: Comparison of Nine Areas Using TIMSS 2003 Data.

指導教授 : 江芳盛


摘要 本研究使用TIMSS 2003資料庫,從水龍頭理論出發,探討新加坡、南韓、香港、日本、俄羅斯、美國、蘇格蘭和義大利等九國/地區八年級學生的課後學習狀況對於數學學業成就的影響。為驗證「課後學習時間的延長有益於學業成就」的假設,本研究採用描述統計和單因子變異數分析,探討九國/地區在家庭作業頻率、完成家庭作業所需時間和課後補習頻率上的分布與差異,再使用階層迴歸分析探究課後學習對於學業成就的影響。 本研究主要發現為(一)家庭作業與課後補習為九國/地區共通的課後學習方式,但其對學業成就的影響力,會隨著國家/地區不同而有差異;(二)根據階層迴歸分析結果,水龍頭理論在台灣完全成立,而在其餘國家/地區則多屬於部分成立的狀況;(三)觀察九國/地區課後補習與學業成就的關聯,可區分出該國/地區的課後補習類型,亦可從中得知水龍頭理論是否成立;(四)九國/地區的課後學習變項,其對於學業成就的影響力約與學生的社經背景相當。 對未來研究的建議為(一)課後補習的類型會導致水龍頭理論失真,研究者可加以探究課後補習類型與學業成就的關聯;(二)南韓與俄羅斯各有其偏好的課後學習類型,然南韓的家庭作業與課後補習間出現替代效果,俄羅斯則否。研究者可深入探究課後學習的替代效果;(三)日本的迴歸模型解釋力偏低,宜進一步探討日本課後學習現象與學業成就間的關聯。


Abstract This research uses TIMSS 2003 data to test faucet theory in Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, United States, Scotland and Italy. It explores the relationships between frequency of homework, time of finishing homework, frequency of shadow education and mathematics achievement. Statistics methods such as descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and regression analysis were used. Major findings of this research are described as follows: 1. For 8th grade pupils, homework and shadow education are common in these nine countries/areas. In terms of their impacts on mathematics achievement, there are similarities as well as differences across the nine countries/areas. 2. According to results of regression analysis, faucet theory is completely supported in Taiwan, but is only partially supported in other countries/areas. 3. From the correlations between shadow education and mathematics achievement in the nine countries/areas, different types of extra-school instruction can be discerned. 4. The effects of after-school learning (i.e., shadow education and homework) on mathematics achievement are close to that of socio-economic backgrounds in nine counties/areas. This paper also proposes the following suggestions for future studies: 1. Different type of shadow education will make faucet theory accepted or rejected. It is important to detect which type of shadow education a country has. 2. A substitutional effect is found between shadow education and homework in South Korea, but none of such effect exists in Russia, while both countries rely heavily on after-school learning. Further study on substitutional effect of after-school learning is needed. 3. The regression model explains a very small portion of variances of Japanese students’ achievement in mathematics. Further study to test the effects of shadow education in Japan is suggested.


小學生作業太多 不利學習(2006,11月10日)。聯合報,C4版。2006年12月11日,取自http://enews.tp.edu.tw/News/News.asp?iPage=2&UnitId=267&NewsId=21066
