  • 學位論文


Anatomy of Melancholia-Through Kristeva’s ideas on Marguerite Duras to my own works.

指導教授 : 陳愷璜
共同指導教授 : 林志明(Chi-Ming Lin)


關於憂鬱的創作,時常是在極度悲傷、沮喪痛苦的狀態底下進行,像在一片迷霧森林之中前進,看不見前方,聽不見聲音,想像不到穿越森林之後的風景。而有關「憂鬱」(melancholy)的研究,最早始於古希臘時代的體液說(humors),而「憂鬱」就是肇因於黑膽汁分泌過多。黑膽汁是一種黑色的液體,過多時,身體會變得太寒冷與乾燥,導致情緒低落、憂鬱與沮喪。 法國作家瑪格麗特•莒哈絲(Marguerite Duras, 1914-1996)的書寫風格,帶著憂鬱的氣味,給人斷裂散落之感,她時常將一段結構完整的敘述,拆散、打破、割裂,如碎片一般,而這樣的氛圍,也是我在創作中試圖營造的:好像悲傷散落各個角落,憂鬱瀰漫在空氣中,文字是片段的、斷裂的、不連貫的,期待觀者在觀看時,接收到的不是完整的情緒,而是瑣碎、凌亂的,但卻仍然可以感受到那些憂鬱的氣味,剩下的感傷,留給加入自己的憂鬱經驗。 本文將嘗試爬梳關於「憂鬱」此概念自古以來的研究史,整理「憂鬱與創作間的關係」之相關論述,以精神分析學者,克里斯蒂娃的憂鬱理論,作為討論憂鬱創作的主要論述依據,探討莒哈絲的憂鬱創作,透過前述以克里斯蒂娃的精神分析方法研究莒哈絲的作品,所整理出來的關於憂鬱創作的討論模式的可能性,再回返到我自身的作品,對我的創作脈絡以及關於憂鬱與死亡的四件作品:《憂鬱汁 Ⅲ》、《憂鬱汁 IV》、《甜蜜的苦》與《死之言 與歌》,進行討論。尋找一種能適切談論我的作品的方法,開展一些論述的可能性。


The of making my work of melancholy mostly created along with me being in the state of grief and depressed, it is like walking in a misty woods not seeing ahead, not hearing any sound, and the scenery over the woods is way beyond my imagination. The early study of melancholy was the ancient Greece’s holistic. According to holistic, melancholy is causes by the access of humors in a person, melancholy which directly making one’s body turning cold and dry, follow by experiencing a moody state of distressed and depressed. France author Marguerite Duras(1914-1996) ,who constantly breaking the structure of an intact narrative to a detached, fragmented and isolated style of writing, just like a scattered glass. Similarly, my artwork attempt to create the same atmosphere, which resembling my grief and melancholy is scattered all over corners and the air. With my words are fragmented, broken and unconnected, viewers are expected to experience the sense of trivial and confuse in such fragmentized emotions, and still, the smell of melancholy is always there to feel. In this essay I’m tried to comb through the studies of Melancholic, to analyze how Melancholia related to me in term of making artworks, mainly based on theories of psychoanalysts and Julia Kristeva on melancholia. Through Kristeva analysed Duras by using the method of psychoanalytic, sorting out the possible debate of melancholia to further review my related works of “Melancholia Ⅲ””Being towards death.” “Take away, your pain.” and “Melancholia IV”, ultimately, to explore an appropriate method and possibilities discourses to discuss my works of Melancholia.


Duras, Marguerite.《勞兒之劫》。王東亮譯。台北:聯經,2006。
Duras, Marguerite.《情人》。王東亮譯。台北:允晨文化,2008。
Duras, Marguerite.《廣場》。王道乾譯。台北:聯經,2006。
Duras, Marguerite.《寫作》。桂裕芳譯。台北:聯經,2006。
Duras, Marguerite.《夏夜十點半》。桂裕芳譯。台北:聯經,2006。
