  • 學位論文

探討 李斯特《巡禮之年》冊集 第一年「瑞士」:〈奧伯曼山谷〉

Study on Franz Liszt Année de Pélerinage, Premiére Année─Swisse“Vallée d’Obermann”

指導教授 : 陳美鸞


本篇書面詮釋報告的目標着重在分析與探討李斯特《巡禮之年》第一年「瑞士」中的〈奧伯曼山谷〉(Année de Pélerinage,Premiére Année-Swisse “Vallée d’Obermann),以及從瑟南古及拜倫的詩作當中看出當時代的文學風格以及美感。藉由李斯特在此作品中引用文學詩作的觀點出發,並加以更深入的研究。 詮釋報告的內容包含四個章節、結語及參考書目。第一章為李斯特的生平概述及其音樂創作;第二章將李斯特的鋼琴作品做分類敘述,如炫技類作品、十九世紀鋼琴性格曲、延續古典時期的鋼琴奏鳴曲以及宗教類作品;第三章探討〈奧伯曼山谷〉之創作背景、樂曲架構;最後一章將〈奧伯曼山谷〉中鋼琴技巧的使用與詩意的意境來作結合。




The target of this thesis is to research and inquire Franz Liszt’s Année de Pélerinage, Premiére Année - Swisse “Vallée d’Obermann” and to discuss its origins from the literary beauty and style of the poems of Etienne de Senancour and Lord Byron. This thesis will research Liszt’s works through in-depth analysis from the point of view of its original poems and literature. Liszt’s historical background and musical compositions will be summarized in four chapters as a way of introducing Liszt. The first chapter overviews Liszt’s life and his music compositions. The second chapter classifies Liszt’s piano works such as virtuoso pieces, 19th-century piano character pieces, piano sonatas exemplary of the Classical period, and religious works. The third chapter analyzes the musical structure and background of Année de Pélerinage, Premiére Année – Swisse “Vallée d’Obermann.” The final chapter discusses the combination of its musical writing with poetry.


Liszt 〈obermann〉


Davision,Alan. “Franz Liszt and the Development of 19th-Century Pianism: R
Einstein, Alfred. Music in the Romantic Era. New York: Norton, 1975.
Gillespie, John. Five Centuries of Keyboard Music. New York: Dover, 1972.
Hervey, Arthur. Franz Liszt and His Music. London: John Lane, 1911.
