  • 學位論文


Body without Coordinates---Petites Perception on the Unhomely Margin

指導教授 : 陶亞倫


1990年的全球化侵襲,許多台灣代工廠被迫前往其他開發中的國家尋覓駐點,很多家庭因此分散各處。在我長期脫離家庭生活的情況之下,開始好奇人除了在「家」之外,在他處是否有一個真實且屬於自己的地方? 在系列的創作中,從類鄉愁的地方情感引出對「家」渴求的情緒,在身處絕然陌生的「非地方」,亦是安全感與陌生感摻雜難分的模糊地帶,反覆來回,企圖在臨近外界陌生與親暱的邊緣間留下運動的痕跡。 對應已經崩解外露的主體,只能在衰竭中擷取個人零星的微弱感覺。回憶即承諾,回溯身體與外界間私密的纖毫記號,期待拼構出流動且細微的微知覺系統。


陌生 無家 地方 非地方 微偏 微知覺


With the overwhelming influences of globalization, many contracting factories in Taiwan are forced to move the production line to other developing countries in 90s. Employees are forced to live away from their families due to the personnel assignment from the manufacturers. With no exception I was also one of the children who grew up in a home without parents’ accompanies. My personal experience drove me to think whether there is a place, rather than a typical “home”, that I truly belong to? In the series works, a nostalgia-alike emotion revealed the desire of “home”. I went back and forth in an unfamiliar non-place where homely and indifferent feelings mixed with each other complicatedly. The trace I left were from the movements in the margin of both unfamiliarity and intimacy . Facing the disarmed subject, one can only collect the scattered and weak perceptions from the decaying memories. Memories promised as well as the subtle signs which connected physical body and the surrounding universes. Through tracing back those signs I hope to map out the flowing, subtle petites perception system.


unfamiliarity unhomely home place non-place clinamen petites perception


米歇爾塞爾 (Michel Serres)著,《萬物本源》, 蒲北溟 譯, 生活.讀書.新 知三聯書店, 北京, 1996
Roger Silverstone 著,《 媒介概念十六講 》( Why study the media?), 陳玉箴 譯, 韋伯出版,台北,2002
Tim Cresswell 著,《地方:記憶、想像與認同》(Place: A Short introduction), 徐 苔玲、王志弘 譯, 群學出版,台北,2006
朱元鴻 著,<偶微偏:一個古老偶然的當代奔流>,「眾生眾身 2005年文化研究 會議」,桃園 中央大學,2005
