  • 學位論文


An Action Research of A Photography Course in the Fifth-sixth Grades via Visual Culture Instruction

指導教授 : 林劭仁


本研究旨在探討將視覺文化影像解讀之教學策略與傳統兒童攝影教學結合,並透過教師行動研究法,選取國立政治大學附設實驗國民小學高年級學生為研究對象,採質、量並行,經由教師反省、觀察日誌、學習成就問卷、訪談、作品評量與學習單等綜合分析,以瞭解課程對於國小高年級學生攝影影像鑑賞與攝影創作之影響。 本研究先探討視覺文化與攝影影像理論相關文獻,並蒐集視覺文化教學策略與國內、外兒童攝影教學著名課程案例進行分析,歸納本研究之研究目的有下列五點: 一、探討攝影影像與視覺文化之相關理論。 二、探究台灣兒童攝影教學之意義、課程基礎內涵及相關要素的重 要觀點,作為發展兒童攝影教學課程之參考。 三、歸納視覺文化之影像解讀相關教學策略。 四、發展融入視覺文化影像解讀與藝術鑑賞策略之兒童攝影教學課程。 五、採行動研究方法,探討本研究之攝影教學課程對學生基礎攝影學習和攝影創作影響之成效,以作為實務教學者將來進行類似課程之參考。 經過實驗性兒童攝影課程之施行,歸納之結論如下: 一、學生對於攝影藝術發展與創作態度、倫理的認知有明顯提升。 二、對於攝影影像解讀、反思能力的養成有顯著效果,能對課程中主題攝影進行深度鑑賞與探究。 三、在攝影基礎能力:構圖、取景、光線、拍攝角度與色彩搭配的養成上有顯著成效。 四、對於兒童攝影作品內涵之提升有顯著成效,學生瞭解攝影前構思與主題探究的重要性,能藉由攝影作品傳達自己的創作理念。 五、學生肯定本研究課程設計與教學活動,並在攝影創作過程中獲 得成就感。 六、兒童攝影教學符合時代背景需求,融入視覺文化觀點使其功能更為多元與完備,可朝向與其它領域結合進行跨科統整教學,豐富現行藝術教育課程,值得推廣。


The thesis discusses mainly on the teaching strategies for reading images in the visual culture and the combination of those strategies with teaching children traditional photography in visual culture course at school. The study applies both qualitative and quantitative research methods; with action research on the 5th graders of National Chengchi University Experimental Elementary School, the researcher collected, compared and analyzed data from teacher’s journals, field notes, achievement tests, semi-structured interviews, performance assessments, and evaluation sheets to show the influence of the teaching strategies on those 5th graders for their abilities to appreciate and create photographical pieces during the course. The conclusion attributed from the research on the photographical course is as follows: 一、Students approve the designs and activities involved in the course, and gain sense of achievement in creating photographical works. 二、Students gain their cognition of photographical art, the attitude and manners of photographical creation, and basic abilities for photography. 三、Students realize the basic concepts of using computer before they learn how to use digital camera. 四、There are obvious effects on students for their abilities to read and appreciate photographical images, which enables them to discuss and reflect on the themes of photography in the course. 五、Works of photography from students after the course show more aesthetic forms, ideas of creation, expression of inner thoughts before the course was applied. 六、Instruction on photography for elementary students meets the need of students and contemporary trends, and it can be linked with the other field and issues in the integrative education model and team teaching to enlarge its application, which makes it worth being promoted in the present arts education system in the elementary schools in Taiwan.




