  • 學位論文


「Before Thirty...」The three explorations to dance choreography

指導教授 : 古名伸


「三十歲以前」為本人與另外三位舞蹈表演研究生許瑋玲、林祐如、陳怡君所共同製作的畢業展演。四位年近三十歲的女子,在舞蹈領域上雖有著不同的學習經驗,但卻對舞蹈有著相同的痴狂與迷戀。本篇論文由此展演創作《衍》、《The Puppet》、《行間》所編創之不同的舞蹈創作風格為切入點,企圖重新思考自身的三種不同創作態度與探索舞蹈動作之餘的背後主題表達意義。 本文第一章主要以三個作品各自發展的三個階段來說明創作動機、發展與傳達的概念;第二章以舞蹈與科技跨領域的結合來切入《衍》的創作歷程;第三章以編舞者的角度對男性和女性雙人舞之間的身體動作為實驗,並由男女兩性之間權力與暴力的關係來分析作品《The Puppet》;第四章以舞者的身體空間帶出編舞者所創造的《行間》編舞形式,並且藉由空間和建築的點、線、面來分析空間中舞者的動線與白牆裝置運行的思考邏輯;第五章結論:總結前文所分析之作品,以問題的省思和過程的突破來回顧筆者如何面對自我成長。期許筆者創作經驗的分享和三種不同主題的論點切入方式,能為相同領域之創作者帶來不同方式的思考刺激和幫助。


“Before Thirty” was produced by Wei-Ling Xu, Yu-Ju Lin, I-Chun Chen and I. Even though we are turning thirty and having different experiences of learning in our life, we are all crazy about dance and enthusiastic in this field. For this reason, we joined together to accomplish the dance performance of six pieces by ourselves. My dissertation focuses on three piece of works I choreographed;“Spreads”, “The puppet”, and “Path”, which are based on different form of dance. Besides, I also attempt to analyze my attitudes toward create each piece and express the meaning behind the movements. The first chapter mainly explains three steps of working progresses and describes three different motivations, developments and expressions. The Second chapter focuses on interdisciplinary which consists of dance and technology in "Spreads". The Third chapter, “The Puppet”, as an experiment of movement, elaborate the authority and violence between male and female. The forth chapter restructure the point, line and surface of space and architecture. In which, choreographer tries to express the physical movements of the three-dimensional space and describes the relationship between the five white installation of walls and dancers.The fifth chapter is the conclusion of my creations. Choreographer confronts her self-development by responding questions and reviewing the breakthrough of working process. Finally, I hope the sharing of creative experiences can bring some impetus and support for all the choreographers in dance field.


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