  • 學位論文


Constructing and Validating Early Adolescent Females' Sexual Health Behavior Intentions Model

指導教授 : 李選


早期青少女性健康是全球共同關注的議題,雖然與青少年「性」相關研究量已逐漸增多,但許多研究仍以「已發生」性活動或其結果(例如,懷孕)為主要陳述,然而決定行為的最重要因子是個人行為意圖,因此,本研究以健康信念、理性行動理論作為研究架構基礎,納入性健康知識、性自我概念、與性健康主觀規範等概念,建構青少女性健康行為意向模式。 本研究採用橫斷式研究(Cross-sectional research)設計,以南台灣青少女(12-15歲)為選樣對象,參與本研究青少女樣本有632位,有效樣本問卷共計545位(86.23%),問卷包含基本資料、青春期發展量表、性健康行為意向量表、性自我概念量表、性健康知識量表、及自覺父母親/朋友性活動認可量表,採用內容及建構效度檢測量表效度,同時以再測信度、內在一致性、及驗證分析之組合信度說明量表信度,最後以LISREL 8.52版統計軟體進行結構方程模式的檢定,以了解所收集的資料是否與假設的「青少女性健康行為意向的模式」契合。 研究結果發現,青少女性健康行為意向整體模式適配度指標(χ /df = 3.23;RMSEA = 0.064)顯示理論模式與資料的適配度獲得支持。性健康行為意向模式中,「性健康知識」及「性的自我概念」會直接影響青少女的「性健康行為意向」(β = .39, t = 6.51, p < .001; β =-.51, t = -8.23, p < .001),「性健康知識」及「性的主觀規範」會直接影響青少女的「性的自我概念」(β = .24, t = 4.59, p < .001; β = .38, t = 8.34, p < .001),「性健康知識」同時透過影響「性的自我概念」而間接影響「性健康行為意向」(β = -.12, t = -3.80, p < .001),相對地,「性的主觀規範」亦透過影響「性的自我概念」而影響「性健康行為意向」(β = .-.19, t = -6.08, p < .001)。整體而言,這些變項對「性健康行為意向」的總效果變動量為50 %,而性自我概念對性健康知識影響性健康行為意向具有部分中介效果,而對主觀規範影響性健康行為意向而言則具有完全中介效果。 本研究建議未來研究可就青春期發展的不同階段進一步比較,或加入男性樣本進行分群比較研究,或許可建構更合適不同群體的性健康行為意向模式。而研究結果可提供護理實務進行性健康介入措施前後的評估,做為青少女性健康相關教育的了解與引導。


Sexual health, particularly that of early adolescent females, has become a global concern. There is an extensive body of research on adolescent sexual health, almost all of which focuses on intercourse and its related outcomes (e.g., pregnancy). However, it is also important to determine the factors that influence adolescents’ behavior intentions. Thus, our conceptual model was based on the health belief model (HBM), theory of reasoned action (TRA), and the literature. Our model provides an integrative framework that includes sexual health behavioral intention, sexual self-concept, sexual health knowledge, and normative beliefs in young adolescent females. Moreover, we constructed a model of sexual health behavioral intention. We conducted cross-sectional research with adolescent females, age 12 to 15 years, in Southern Taiwan. The 632 adolescent females who completed the questionnaires yielded a total effective sample size of 545. The scales used in this study included the Pubertal Development Scale, Sexual Health Behavior Intention Scale, Sexual Self-Concept Scale, Sexual Health Knowledge Scale, and Parental/Friend Approval of Sexual Behavior Scale. All scales were examined for content and construct validity as well as for reliability, including test-retest reliability, internal consistency, and construct reliability. We conducted structural equation modeling to examine the proposed conceptual model, using LISREL 8.52 statistical software. The results indicated that the hypothesized model provided an excellent fit with the data (χ /df = 3.23;RMSEA = 0.064). Within the sexual health behavioral intentions model, sexual health knowledge and sexual self-concept had a significant direct effect on sexual health intentions (β = .39, t = 6.51, p < .001; β =-.51, t = -8.23, p < .001); normative beliefs, however, had no significant direct effect on sexual health behavioral intentions. Sexual health knowledge and sexual self-concept had a significant direct effect on sexual self-concept (β = .24, t = 4.59, p < .001; β = .38, t = 8.34, p < .001). Additionally, sexual health knowledge and normative beliefs had a significant indirect effect on sexual health behavioral intentions through the mediating role of sexual self-concept (β = -.12, t = -3.80, p < .001; β = -.19, t = -6.08, p < .001). Overall, the model accounted for 50% of the total variance in girls’ sexual health behavioral intentions. As such, sexual self-concept has a full mediating relationship between normative beliefs and sexual health intention behavior and a partial mediating relationship between sexual health knowledge and sexual health intention behavior. Further research should determine how well the sexual health behavioral intentions model fits different stages of adolescent development. Research also could compare adolescent males and females in terms of sexual health behavioral intentions. Such research could lead to additional, more suitable, sexual health behavior intention models for different groups. The results of this study have implications for school health education practice. Specifically, it would be valuable for nurses to design programs for sexual health intervention with early adolescent females.


李燕鳴(1998).花蓮市高中生之性知識、態度和行為調查.慈濟醫學雜誌,10(3), 211-219。
李燕鳴、張慈桂、王培東(2006). Family Characteristics Associated with Adolescent Pregnancy in Eastern Taiwan. 臺灣家庭醫學雜誌,16(2),100-111。
