  • 學位論文


Enuresis: Prevalence and Related Factors among Primary School Children in Changhua

指導教授 : 陳進典


研究目的:針對彰化地區6∼12歲國小學童隨機抽樣調查,估計彰化地區學齡兒童尿床的盛行率及相關因子,同時探討父母親對尿床的了解程度及處理方法,對尿床兒童面對尿床所產生的反應加以分析,期望本研究能幫助父母親及學童更加了解尿床,並尋求正確的治療策略。 材料與方法:由彰化縣26個地區,每一地區隨機抽取2所國民小學,抽中學校每個年級各抽一班,調查每位學童過去6個月內是否曾尿床,總共發出9,228份問卷,以郵寄方式發放46所學校,再由學校校護轉發給學生家長自行填寫,最後由學校負責回收,寄回本院統計分析。 結果:問卷回收率92.1%(8,496�9,228),學童尿床總盛行率為7.0%(591人),男生8.2%,女生5.7%,均隨年齡的增加而遞減(P<0.001)。多元迴歸分析與尿床有顯著相關之因素包括年齡小、男性、熟睡難以叫醒、有尿床家族史、有後天泌尿問題、睡前有飲水習慣者,至於父母親的教育程度與職業、是否為單親家庭則和尿床並無顯著相關;而與尿床嚴重程度有顯著相關之因素為熟睡叫不醒、上半夜尿床(P<0.005)。父母親對於孩童尿床的認知58.1%都認為孩子長大自然會好,不需做任何處置;然而卻有53.1%的尿床學童表示會影響自尊心。 結論:本次調查結果學童尿床盛行率與大部分其他國家相類似,差異性的存在也有可能係由於對尿床的定義不同所致。性別、熟睡度、遺傳、年齡是大家共同認為與尿床有明顯相關的因素,但是另有些因素如父母親的職業與教育程度、是否單親家庭、是否經常便秘等,則各家看法不一。尿床會導致孩童自尊心受損並逃避參與各項社交活動,經由本次調查希望可喚醒父母及學童對尿床的重視,並尋求適當的治療。


兒童尿床 盛行率 相關因素


OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and the related factors associated with nocturnal enuresis among 6-12 year-old school children and to investigate parental knowledge and attitude toward children who suffer from nocturnal enuresis and the reaction of enuretic children. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from elementary schools in each district of Changhua County (which is located in the middle of Taiwan). Nocturnal enuresis was defined as having at least one wet night in the recent 6 months. We used stratified random sampling to select 2 schools from each district for a total of 26 districts in Changhua County, and then took cluster sampling to choose 1 class in each of six grades of these selected schools and all students in the selected class were invited to participate in the study. Totally 9,228 questionnaires were sent to 46 schools in 26 districts. The questionnaires were distributed by the school nurses, filled in by the parents and returned by mail. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 92.1% (8,496�9,228). Nocturnal enuresis was reported in 591 (7.0%) of the children (boys 8.2%, girls 5.7%, p<0.001). After multivariate analysis, nocturnal enuresis was statistically correlated with age, male gender, deep sleep, family history, acquired urinary problem, and drinking before sleep. Besides, deep sleep and time of wetting were also found to be the factors significantly associated with the severity of enuresis. However, nocturnal enuresis was not statistically related to parental education, occupation and separated family. Fifty-eight point one percent of the presents thought their child will grow out of bedwetting without any intervention, but 53.1% of the bedwetting children had plummeting self esteem due to nocturnal enuresis. CONCLUSIONS: From our investigations, the prevalence of nocturnal enuresis is almost the same as other reports. The difference may arise from different definition of nocturnal enuresis. Male gender, deep sleep, heredity and age are considered important factors associated with enuresis in all reports. But different results were reported with related factors such as parents’ education and occupation, separated family, constipation, etc. The stress accompanying nocturnal enuresis may affect a person’s self-esteem and lead to withdrawal from social activity. The investigations provide sufficient attention to both parents and children and searching treatment accordingly.


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