  • 學位論文


A Study of The Household Decision-Making of Typhoon Flood Insurance- Madou Township in Taiwan

指導教授 : 薩支平


颱風洪水災害經常為台灣地區帶來嚴重的災害損失,而政府往往以耗費鉅資的防災工程或發放災後補助金的方式負擔之,不僅造成政府財政壓力,亦造成資源配置不公及無效率問題。近年來,許多國家利用保險機制解決政府財政負擔的問題;家戶是受到颱洪災害衝擊最直接及脆弱的,也是颱洪保險制度成敗的關鍵。本研究以家戶為研究對象,探討家戶透過災害經驗及風險知覺,影響投保態度與意願;藉由瞭解家戶之投保態度與意願,提供政府及保險公司建議,以期健全颱洪保險制度。 本研究首先回顧各國颱洪保險制度及家戶投保決策因素之相關文獻,提出理論模型及研究概念;其次透過卡方檢定及二因子分析驗證理論模型及假說,並提出結論與建議。研究發現,家戶受到災害經驗與風險知覺之交互作用影響,改變投保態度與意願;災害救助會降低家戶對於颱洪保險之認同感;整體而言,家戶普遍認同颱洪保險制度,但因不瞭解保險內容及投保方式,而降低投保意願。 建議政府提供準確颱風資訊及居住環境之災害風險,以避免家戶錯估颱洪災害風險,並考慮減少災後補助金,利用災害保險之理賠功能代替現金救助;保險公司則可提供颱洪保險諮詢管道,以增加家戶對於保險內容之瞭解及認同感,提升投保態度與意願及相關防災行為,使家戶在面臨颱風洪水災害之威脅時,能降低颱洪災害損失。


Typhoons and floods resulted in severe losses in Taiwan. Taiwan government adopted costly structural measures and post-disaster compensation to disseminate the burden. These mitigation measures not only increased the governmental financial burden but also caused unfair and inefficient allocation of resources. Many foreign countries adopted insurance to address the financial burden issue after catestrophes. Among all social levels, household is the most vulnerable, and expose to direct impact from floodings, its preferences are critical in designing a successful flood insurance mechanism. This study examined the extent of households’ experience and perception affects the intention to purchase insurance. These understandings of the households’ insurance preferences might provide recommendations for the government and insurance companies thus improve the performance of future typhoon-flood insurance programs. This study reviewed the Taiwanese flood insurance policies and related literatures in households’ flood insurance. It built up a conceptual model for hypotheses testing. A survey was conducted targeting the households in Madou, Tainan. Through chi-square tests and two-way ANOVAs, this study verified the hypothes and theoretical model. Conclusions and recommendations were made accordingly. The study found that households’ experience and risk perception affect the adoption of insurance policies interactively. Overall, households in Madow generally acknowledge that the typhoon-flood insurance is beneficial. However, because they do not understand the coverages of insurance policies, the willingness to purchase insurance policies were reduced. The findings suggest that the government should provide accurate information about the physical environment as well as the flooding risk. In order to avoid a typhoon household misjudged, the risk of flood disasters and to consider chances of reducing the post-disaster grants, cash assistance functions should be replaced by the use of disaster insurance claims. The flood insurance from insurance companies may be provided by the typhoon Advisory pipeline in order to increase the contents of the understanding, attitude and willingness to enhance the insurance and related prevention behavior, and to reach the goal of reducing the harm when household face the threat of a typhoon.


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