  • 學位論文


Landscape-Taiwan Valley painting creation and research

指導教授 : 蘇峯男


本研究以傳統水墨畫之意境、技法為研究基礎,以台灣山林溪谷的自然生態為水 墨畫創作之對象,主題內容包括大自然的、雲氣、山嵐、瀑布、流水、樹石、花木及 人文等元素為創作繪畫表現題材,以文獻研究探索歷代水墨畫家作品及理念,揣摩其 意境並分析其構圖法則,做為詮釋台灣溪谷之水墨創作,在教授之指導下,以個人研 習之角度,論述創作研究之心得。 本論文共分為五章: 第一章 緒論,分別為研究動機與目的、研究方法與範圍限定。 第二章 研析台灣地理、自然生態特徵及人文背景,提供創作題材並彰顯其特質 第三章 探索前人對傳統水墨藝術之技法與表現形式,並對歷代山水繪畫名作之佈局 與技法,作一耙梳整理,並以此作為筆者探究溪谷水墨畫之理論依據。 第四章 本研究透過創作的形式,以七幅作品呈現水墨創作佈局、技法與理論相互呼 應之表現,陳述創作之理念與心得。 第五章 結論與省思:探討成果及未來努力的方向,致力發揮「尊重傳統」、「勇於創 新」之精神,虛心深入研習,不斷推進發展,致力追求成果,期能開創出更 新穎更宏觀的藝術意境。


山水 台灣溪谷 水墨畫


This study based on traditional ink and wash painting and techniques investigates the natural ecology of mountains, forests, rivers, and valleys to cover the theme contents including natural and cultural elements such as clouds, mists, falls, running water, trees, rocks, and flowers as the creation materials in painting. Literature review on the exploration of historical masterpieces and creation concepts is also conducted to examine the scenes and analyze drawing principles as the research focus on the interpretation of aesthetics of ink and wash painting of mountains, rivers, and valleys in Taiwan. Under the instruction of the advisor, individual perspective of the creator is included to discuss the research of creation. There are five chapters in this thesis: Chapter 1, Introduction, presents research motivation, purposes, methods, and scope limitation. Chapter 2 studies and analyzes geographical, natural, and ecological features and cultural background of Taiwan. Creation materials are presented and highlighted. Chapter 3 explores techniques and presentation formats of traditional ink and wash paintings used by previous artists and the arrangement and skills adopted are discussed and summarized to present the research theories for the author to discuss ink and wash paintings. Chapter 4 presents seven pieces of ink and wash paintings to respond to the arrangement, skills, and theories of creation to express the concept and reflection. Chapter 5, Conclusion and Reflection, results and future directions are examined to conduct the in-depth studies based on the spirit of “respect to tradition” and “brave innovation” for continuous development and pursue of achievements with the aim to create more innovative and broad art scenes.


蘇峯男(2002)。中國繪畫寫生創作的法要析辨。台北:中國藝術學刊2002 年度。
