  • 學位論文


The Housing Need for Disadvantaged Groups -A Case Study of Low Income Families in Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 謝博明


由於國內外經濟仍處衰退狀態,弱勢家戶及人數逐年上升,在政治、社會團體及與論敦促下,社會福利政策已躍升為政府施政主軸,而住宅政策也納入社會福利領域。隨著「住宅法」的通過,對於人民的基本居住權利有立法的保障,而居住正義的落實,除了要保障每個人可享有適宜且負擔得起的住宅,更要保障經濟與社會弱勢家庭能獲得公平合理的對待。本研究目的即在於從低所得家庭居住現況及住宅福利使用情形,探討現行住宅福利措施是否符合低所得家庭的需要。 本研究採質性深度訪談,透過立意抽樣選取高雄市列冊二十位低收入戶戶長,就住宅消費支出、居住品質、社會救助與住宅補助等現況,歸納課題分析。研究結果顯示:就住宅負擔能力而言,因經濟不景氣、失業率居高不下,弱勢族群的就業機會與工作所得相對減少,而社會救助新制修改家庭應計人口範圍,又使得低所得家庭所仰賴的生活補助津貼變相縮減,不同特性家戶為了維持高比例的住宅消費,也相當程度的限制了其他層面的正常生活支出,住宅負擔比重偏高的情況更形嚴重。就住宅品質而言,多重弱勢低所得家庭因為經濟能力薄弱,限制了居住環境的選擇,在現有公有出租住宅嚴重短缺的狀況下,無法選擇適宜的居住空間,也無力改善低落的居住品質,且即使獲得補貼,或有改善居住水準,但仍不及平均居住水準。就住宅補貼而言,中央及地方政府積極推出多項補貼方案,但是此次研究結果與官方統計數據皆顯示,低所得家庭住宅補助的申請率與核准率均呈現偏低的狀況,卻是不爭的事實。研究也發現低所得家戶因資訊不足、申請門檻及條件限制等因素,被排擠於補貼範圍之外,無法受益,顯示政府在住宅補貼政策上,不論在補貼對象的數量及額度上都有改善的空間。因此,針對本研究所提出之結果,希望提供往後相關單位在住宅福利政策執行上有更多面向的思考。


As both domestic and international economies continue to be in recession, lower social class increases year by year. This urges governments to focus more on the development of social welfare policies. Housing Act is one of the policies included in social welfare where it aims to protect citizens to be entitled to appropriate and affordable housing. This act ensures housing justice where even members of the lower social class would receive fair basic living rights. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not existing residential welfare measures meet the needs of low-income families. This study used in-depth interviews with purposeful sampling of twenty low-income households in Kaohsiung. Current conditions of residence and usages of residential welfare of low-income families were assessed in terms of the current status of residential consumer spending, social assistance, housing quality, and housing subsidies. The results show that in terms of housing affordability, due to both the economic downturn and high unemployment rate, the employment opportunity and income of lower social class are relatively reduced. With the new system of social assistance modifies the population range of families to be supported, the living allowance, which low-income families rely on, is reduced as well. With increasing housing consumption cost, the other aspects of normal living expenses are relatively restricted causing housing burden to increase. In terms of housing quality, because lower-income families with multiple vulnerabilities have limited incomes; thus, the choice of living environments is restricted. With the current state of serious shortage of existing public rental housings, lower-income families do not have choices regarding to appropriate living spaces. This further worsens the low living quality of lower social class. In terms of housing subsidies, although both the central and local governments introduce a number of subsidy programs actively, but it is still an indisputable fact that the rates of application and approval of low-income family housing subsidies are still low. This study also discovered that low-income households are often being excluded from subsidies due to insufficient information regarding to application requirements and others. Altogether, these findings indicate that the governments still have room for improvements in executing housing subsidy policy. Hopefully, this study could push relevant government units to ponder more on residential welfare policy implementation.




