  • 學位論文


The relationship between the addiction of betel-quid chewing and anxiety, depression and oral potentially malignant disorders

指導教授 : 李建宏


背景 全球大約有6億人口有嚼食檳榔的習慣,而台灣全國檳榔使用盛行率高達10%。檳榔具有致癌的風險性已廣為人知。而檳榔中之檳榔鹼(arecoline)其結構與尼古丁相似,也在動物實驗中發現可能具有抗憂鬱的作用。儘管嚼食檳榔對健康的影響已有許多研究發表,但探討檳榔成癮性與焦慮、憂鬱感之關係以及對口腔潛在惡性病變之作用亦所知甚少。 目的 本研究欲探討檳榔嚼食者之人口學及嚼食特性與檳榔成癮間的關聯性,以及檳榔嚼食者之成癮性與焦慮、憂鬱感以及口腔潛在病變間的關聯性。 方法 本研究以舊制高雄市11區之檳榔嚼食者作為研究對象。使用等比例多層次隨機抽樣法(PPS)招募受試者,研究期間為2014年7月至2015年4月。物質成癮診斷採用DSM手冊,焦慮感採用貝克氏焦慮量表,而憂鬱感則使用CES-D作為評估工具。 結果 本研究共訪視123間檳榔攤以及59間便利超商,分別從檳榔攤招募到250位檳榔嚼食者以及於便利超商招募156位無嚼食者。根據DSM-IV及DSM-5之標準,檳榔成癮者多為低教育程度及收入,且嚼食的顆數(aOR=1.01-1.03)及天數越多(aOR=1.3-1.5)、越年輕開始嚼食(aOR=1.02-1.1)以及將檳榔汁吞入(aOR=2.2-2.9)則成癮風險越高;根據DSM-5,成癮者之最低程度焦慮感較無成癮者高(aOR=2.1),而根據DSM-IV及DSM-5,無檳榔依賴、成癮之嚼食者,其最低程度焦慮則較無嚼食者低(aOR=0.4-0.5);而檳榔成癮者相較於無成癮者,口腔潛在病變的風險為3.7倍。 結論 檳榔成癮者較非嚼食者更傾向為低社經地位與有抽菸、飲酒習慣者;檳榔成癮者與檳榔嚼食的顆數、天數、年數以及吞入檳榔汁之間呈現正相關,而與初次嚼食的年齡為負相關;無檳榔依賴、成癮之嚼食者的焦慮感較無嚼食者低;檳榔成癮者,最低程度焦慮以及口腔潛在病變風險較高。


Background Approximately 600 million people worldwide regularly chew betel-quid(BQ), and 10% of the Taiwanese use it. Arecoline has a chemical structure comparable to nicotine. In animal experimental studies, also found that its have the effect of antidepressant. Despite the understanding of pharmacological reactions for BQ, little is known about the the relationship between the addiction of BQ chewing and anxiety, depression and oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD). Purpose To investigate the factors that are associated with addictive use of BQ among chewers, and the relationship between BQ addiction and anxiety, depress and oral potentially malignant disorders. Material and methods To investigate these issues, we conducted a community-based cross-sectional study using probability proportionate to size sampling to recruit participants. All participants were recruited from Taiwan Kaohsiung city. All chewers were evaluated for BQ addiction using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders V (DSM-V) criteria, anxiety was measured using the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and depress was using Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D). Results A total of 250 BQ chewers and 156 non-chewers recruited from 123 BQ shops and 59 convenience stores in Kaohsiung city, respectively. According to DSM-IV and DSM-V, the chewers who had BQ addiction were more likely to be male, be married, have low educational level, low income, and work as a laborer. A five-BQ increase in the amount consumed , a one-day increase in the use, a one-year younger at starting age, and swallowed BQ juice were associated with a 1.01-1.03, 1.3-1.5, 1.02-1.1 and 2.2-2.9-fold significant risk of contracting BQ addiction, respectively. As compared to non-addictive chewers, addictive chewers had a higher anxiety (aOR=2.1). No BQ dependence/addiction chewers in minimal level of anxiety is lower than non-chewers (aOR=0.4-0.5). As compared to non-addiction chewers, addiction chewers had 3.7-fold risk of OPMD. Conclusions This study found that BQ addiction chewers are associated with lower socioeconomic status, and substance use characteristics. Addictive BQ use is positively related to amounts, days, years of chewing and swallowed BQ juice, and negatively related to starting age. Non-chewers had higher anxiety than non dependence/addiction chewers. Addictive chewers had high risk in minimal level of anxiety and OPMD.


betel-quid substance addiction anxiety depress OPMD


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