  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Supportive Psychotherapy for Children of Parents With Cancer

指導教授 : 張秀如


本研究目的為探討癌症病患其子女支持性心理治療之實施成效,研究設計採實驗性研究設計,隨機控制試驗法(randomized controlled trial)。研究對象為癌症病患其子女(10~24歲),於台北市某區域教學醫院腫瘤科收案, 以隨機方式將研究對象分為實驗組(A組)及控制組(B組),控制組僅接受一般性醫療照護,實驗組除了接受一般性醫療照護外,並加上支持性心理治療,內容包含支持性團體及護理衛教諮詢二部分,支持性團體共進行六週,每週一次,每次約90分鐘,團體皆由資深精神衛生護理師及心理諮詢師擔任團體治療者及協同治療者。護理衛教諮詢採用電話訪談及書面衛教單張指導,來關懷實驗組個案在父母罹病過程、情緒困擾、親子關係等方面之適應。支持性心理治療成效的測量包括兒童憂鬱量表(Children’s Depression Inventory, CDI)、貝克焦慮量表(Beck Anxiety Inventory, BAI)、中文版正向及負向自殺意念量表(Chinese version of the Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideation, PANSI-C)、親子關係量表(Parents and Children Relationship Scale, PCRS) 、及靈性評估量表(Spirituality Assessment Scale, SAS),於支持性心理治療之前後施行測量。統計分析採用描述性及推論性統計,以重複測量共變數分析(Repeated Measures ANCOVA)進行成效分析;另針對團體中出現的議題作質性分析探討。統計結果發現實驗組較控制組在憂鬱症狀、負向自殺意念、親子關係、靈性健康方面有明顯改善;團體議題分析的範疇包含:模糊不清的癌症、變調的成長、尋求支持力量、寄託未來。研究結果顯示支持性心理治療能有效改善罹癌患者其子女的情緒困擾,增強親子關係知覺及提升正向支持力量。本研究結果有助於臨床護理人員運用支持性心理治療來改善罹癌父母其子女的心理調適。


The major purpose of this study was explored the effectiveness of supportive psychotherapy for children of parents with cancer. The research design was to adopt experimental method and randomized controlled trial. The subjects were children of parents with cancer (aged 10~24) recruited from a local teaching hospital Oncology department in Taipei City. The subjects separated for experimental group (group A) and control group (group B) randomly. Control group only received general medical care. Experimental group not only received general medical care but also supportive psychotherapy which included supportive group and nursing health consultation two parts. The supportive group was leading by psychiatric registered professional nurse and counseling psychologist as group therapist and collaborative therapist in around 90 minutes each week for six weeks. Nursing health consultation group used telephone interviews and guided by health education sheet to concern the experimental group adapted to parent diseased process, emotional distress, parent-children relationship… etc. The research instruments used included the Children’s Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Chinese version of the Positive and Negative Suicidal Ideation, Parents and Children Relationship Scale and Spirituality Assessment Scale. Statistical analysis used descriptive and inferential statistics and effectiveness analysis used Repeated Measures ANCOVA. Other group issues were discussed by qualitative analysis. Statistical results found experimental group improved obviously in depressive symptoms, negative suicidal ideation, parents-children relationship and spirituality health than in control group. Supportive group issues analysis categories were ambiguous cancer, transform of growth, seeking support strength and hope for future. The results showed supportive psychotherapy could ameliorate children of parents with cancer’s emotional distress effectively, reinforce perception of parents-children relationship and advance the power of inside support. These results will help clinical nurses use supportive psychotherapy to improve children of parents with cancer’s psychological adaption.




