  • 學位論文


Stigma about Illicit Drug Users' HIV/AIDS among Prison Guards

指導教授 : 高美英
共同指導教授 : 李思賢


本研究目的在探討矯正機關內的戒護人員對感染HIV收容人的烙印,瞭解烙印的意涵與影響。研究採用一對一深度訪談的方式來收集資料。研究對象為八位分別任職於北部的監獄和看守所的戒護人員,訪談前均先說明研究目的和步驟同時保證受訪者身份的絕對保密,並請受訪者填寫參與研究的同意書後進行訪談並錄音存檔,所有訪談皆由研究者親自進行,訪談過程中以訪談大綱輔助,之後將內容謄錄為逐字稿檔案。 本研究經過多次閱讀逐字稿並分類歸納後,發現有與HIV感染者接觸經驗的受訪者對感染者的態度較為友善,反而是未曾或很少與感染者接觸的主管認為愛滋舍房比較不好管理、工作壓力較重,認為那裡的工作環境比較危險,較擔心因意外,例如排解衝突時產生血液交換而受到感染,這正是烙印產生的作用之一:對感染的恐懼遠大於實際所能產生的威脅性;此外,本研究也發現戒護們對HIV收容人多存有負面的刻板印象。另外,監所目前現行將感染HIV收容人集中,與其他收容人隔離的作法,也在無形之中造成感染者身份曝光與受到差別待遇的問題。本研究也發現知識在去除愛滋烙印上是極重要的一環,能夠掌握正確且充分的知識,就能降低烙印的發生,受訪者也認為應該要加強這一方面的在職教育訓練,以提高戒護人員管理愛滋專區的意願。針對這些結果,建議增加其他戒護人員和感染HIV收容人接觸的機會,並增加輔導課程。 在未來研究上,建議增加對收容人訪談的部分使研究更為完整。同時,如何減低社會期望值的影響,也是在選擇研究方法時必須要考慮的一點。


愛滋病 戒護人員 矯正機構 烙印


The aim of this study was to investigate stigmatization by the guards in the correctional system for the prisoners with HIV, and to understand the influence of the stigma. The study data was collected by face-to-face in depth interviews, and the participants were 8 male prison guards. The interviews were audio recorded and translated verbatim. This study used grounded theory as the research method. The content analysis showed that the guards who have contact with prisoners with HIV were more friendly, those who never or seldom had contact with prisoners with HIV thought that it was more difficult to manage those prisoners with HIV, the stress was heavy, and the environment was dangerous; they were afraid of being infected by the prisoners’ blood. That was the impact of stigma. Other than this, the guards have negative stereotypes about the prisoners with HIV. Separating those prisoners with HIV from others caused their HIV status to be exposed. The study also found that increasing knowledge was one of the key tools to reduce stigma. That is, the guards had correct knowledge about HIV/AIDS, then stigmatization would be decreased. The interviewees also pointed that if education should be reinforced, the guards would be more willing to guard the HIV/AIDS wards. According to the results, the study suggests increasing the interaction between guards and prisoners with HIV, and increasing counseling courses. The researcher reflects that the study would be more complete if it contained the interviews with prisoners. Further, it is also important to use the adaptive method of interviewing in the future in order to lower the reaction of interviewees to answer in the direction of social desirability.


HIV/AIDS Guard Correctional Institution Stigma


