  • 學位論文


Influence of Foundation on the deformation and dynamic behavior of a precise machine

指導教授 : 林水木


目前研究機械-基礎-土壤耦合行為的文獻並不多,尚無法符合大型工具機高精度發展的需要。本文將因應超大型工具機特殊需求在建立超大型工具機結構-基礎-土壤耦合靜態和動態分析模式,以期將工具機的精度和穩定度提高,進而使加工和測量在同一機台上處理變成可能,提昇產品的競爭力。本文分三個部份來分析探討:(一) 求解塊狀基礎上下振動時土壤的等效參數;(二) 分析機械結構在基礎及土壤的靜態耦合行為;(三) 分析機械結構在基礎及土壤的動態耦合行為。最後分析多種重要的參數對耦合模式靜態和動態影響。


超大型工具機 基礎 土壤 振動 變形


So far, a few literatures investigate the coupled behavior of a machine structure-foundation-soil model. This study is very helpful for the design of a precise super tool machine. In this study, the coupled model of a machine structure-foundation-soil is established and analyzed. It is expected that due to the analysis of this model the machining of a part and its geometry measurement can be made in the same machine. Therefore, the competition and the complementary value are improved. In this study, there are three divisions: (1) to determine the effective vibration parameters of a coupled block foundation-soil, (2) to analyze the static behavior of a machine structure-foundation-soil model, (3) to analyze the dynamic behavior of a machine structure-foundation-soil model. Finally, the effects of several parameters on the static and dynamic behaviors of this coupled model are investigated.


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