  • 學位論文


Design of D Flip Flop Circuit and Its Application to Frequency Divider

指導教授 : 甘廣宙


在一般學界所謂的負微分電阻元件(Negative Differential Resistance, NDR),指的是共振穿透二極體(RTD),它是以化合物半導體製作而成,其材料有高電子移動率等優點,但不容易與CMOS或BiCMOS製程技術互相配合。目前負微分電阻元件,已被應用於一些電路設計上。 我們研究所製作的負微分電阻元件,是以金屬氧化半導體場效電晶體(MOS)元件所架構而成的,我們以SiGe 0.35 um 3P3M BiCOMS製程製作的負微分電阻元件晶片,其結構是由兩個增強型N通道MOS元件、一個增強型P通道MOS元件與異質接面雙極性電晶體HBT元件所組成的,我們稱此負微分電阻元件為MOS-HBT-NDR元件,我們調整適其MOS元件的寬度、長度參數(Width / Length),並控制其雙端電源電壓的大小,我們可得到不同的峰值(peak)與谷值(valley)的電流-電壓特性曲線,所以此元件具有極廣大範圍的調變特性,對於其應用電路的設計與開發,深具研究價值。 我們再利用負微分電阻元件來應用設計在D型正反器、除頻器電路、振盪器電路、MOS-HBT-NDR元件之參數調變與邏輯閘電路。


In terms of general electronic study, Negative Differential Resistor (NDR) often refers to RTD, Resonance Transient Diode. RTD is consisted of composition of semi-conductor material, high electron moving efficiency is most notable character of this material. However, difficulties of CMOS/BiCMOS manufacturing process remain the biggest challenge to over-come low reliable/yield production output. NDR is a widely used component across multiple purpose in the industry, the demand is high and solution has to be found. Therefore, our research focus on a different material approach, we used Metallic Oxide Semi-conductor field effect transistor as our main structure. We adopted SiGe 0.35um 3P3M BiCMOS manufacturing technology by utilizing two enhanced N channel MOS components and one enhanced P channel MOS component and one HBT component to structure our new design. (MOS-HBT-NDR) We observed different peak/valley value by adjusting width/length of MOS component and controlling gate voltage input. Therefore, this new approach has a wide range of electronic characteristic curve available for different engineering applications. Further research and development have high value for alternative design applications. We use Negative Differential Resistance Devices to apply and design in D Flip Flop、Frequency Divider、Oscillator Circuit and Logic Circuit.


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