  • 學位論文


Temples Cultural and Creative commodity - Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple

指導教授 : 廖敦如


我國文化創意產業於2002年正式成為臺灣重點發展產業之一,政府積極推廣與開發,並期望我國成為亞太地區數位內容產業發展的重鎮;而在這個文化被普遍討論著的時代,數位典藏不僅僅只限於保存文物與器具上,加值應用更是重要的項目之一,伴隨著加值應用的開啟,文化創意產業概念也隨之漫延。臺灣在普遍的發展之下,文化創意產業加值融入傳統文化也成為必需具備的項目之一。臺灣本土信仰眾多,在這近五年來的時間,寺廟與教堂數量增加了3.22%之多,總數量高達了15,328座廟宇及教堂,平均每萬人就擁有6.57座,廟宇觀光人數一整年更突破6200萬人,位居全臺觀光景點第一;由此可見,人心對於寄託信仰也越來越高,而這些龐大的觀光人數也為當地帶來無可限量的商機,可見寺廟對於臺灣具有相當豐厚的經濟價值。因此本研究以嘉義縣溪口鄉天臺殿「玉皇大帝」之神祇造型為主,透過不同的創意與加值,設計出更貼近社會大眾的文化創意商品,並在其中融入「天公」信仰文化的意涵與形式,而本研究的研究目的為:1. 開發以天臺殿玉皇大帝神祇為主題之系列性具有「文化內涵之商品」;2.開發以天臺殿玉皇大帝神祇為主題之系列性具有「多元形式之商品」;而本研究也透過個案研究法分析天臺殿玉皇大帝之特色,並結合問卷調查及訪談法輔助研究過程,據此,本研究之研究問題為: 1.分析以天臺殿玉皇大帝神祇為主題之加值商品需具備那些「文化內涵」;2.設計以天臺殿玉皇大帝神祇為主題之加值商品需具有那些「商品形式」。 本研究於2014年1月20日至2015年5月20日之間進行,耗時將近一年半的時間,過程中以訪談法了解當地神祇特色,以內容分析法分析商品形式與內涵, 並以問卷法調查屬於當地的商品內涵與形式,最後實作並具體提出以下兩個結論:1、開發以天臺殿玉皇大帝神祇為主題之加值商品必需具備「身體健康」與「保平安」之文化內涵;2、開發以天臺殿玉皇大帝神祇為主題之加值商品以「隨身攜帶類型」為主,並具體設計出「護身符」、「掛飾」、「提袋」之系列性商品。本論文並進一步針對「廟方」與「大專院校」兩者提出建議,對於廟方的建議為:1、廟方應多與大專院校相關科系學生族群合作;2、舉辦相關設計競賽;大專院校方面則建議為:1、大專院校相關科系應主動與在地小型廟宇進行產學合作;2、大專院校可多與廟方進行服務學習。


Cultural and Creative Industry became the one of Taiwan's important development of the industry in 2002, the government actively promoting and development, and Taiwan has become the city of the Asia-Pacific region expect the digital content industry development.In this era of culture it is generally discussing, Digital Archive not only limited to the preservation of cultural relics and equipment, value-added applications is one of the important projects, along with the open value-added applications, Cultural and Creative Industry concept also will spread.Now in Taiwan,Cultural and Creative Industry is one of items necessary to value added into the traditional culture. Multipe of Taiwan's belief in the past five years, increase of 3.22 percent as much as the number of monasteries and churches, up to 15,328 the total number of temples and churches, to have an average of 6.57 per million, temples number of tourists throughout the year with more than 62 million, is the best of Taiwan's tourist attractions. So, people are increasingly high for the sustenance of faith, and these huge number of tourists has also brought immeasurable opportunities for local place, Taiwan has seen the temple for very substantial economic value. This study of Sikou Township, Chiayi County Tiantai Temple Jade Emperor deities based modeling, including the different creative and value-added, design to more closer to people's cultural and creative goods, and into the meaning and form in which God religious culture.The research questions of this study is first:analysis Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple as the theme of value-added goods need to have those cultural connotations. Second:designed Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple as the theme of value-added goods need to have those commodity form. The study also analyzed the characteristics of the Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple with Case Study Researc、Interview and Questionnaire Survey to assist this study. The purpose of this study research is first:development the Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple as the theme of the series has a cultural connotation of the commodity. Second:development the Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple as the theme of the series has a pluralistic form of commodity. This study is from January 20, 2014 to May 20, 2015, it took almost a year and a half, process contain Interviews to recognize the local gods features, with Content Analysis to know the commodity form, use the Questionnaire Survey to know the place of local commodity form, finally, implement and specifically asked the following two conclusions. First: development the Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple as the theme of value-added goods gods must have cultural connotation, health and security and peace of. Second: development the Jade emperor in Sikon Tiantai temple as the theme bonus commodities portable type based, and specifically designed amulet, ornaments,bag of the series of commodity. The paper and further recommendations for both the Temple and Universities, for the proposal to the Temple first: The Temple should be more cooperation with relevant departments tertiary student population. Second: hold design competition, for the proposal to the Universities first : tnstitutions and related departments should take the initiative to a small temple in the conduct Industry Cooperation. Second: Universities may be more with the Temple Service Learning.


