  • 學位論文


UnmannedAerialVehicle Design and Practice

指導教授 : 林中彥


由於近年來機械加工與電子技術不斷進步,許多無人飛機的零組件不斷精進、更加精緻化且成本降低,而零組件之性能與可靠度亦大幅提升,因此注重於自己設計並製造無人飛機與飛行的參與者近年來呈倍數成長。然而目前無人飛機的設計與實作文獻不足,因此多數入門者須藉由師徒式的指導,並由錯誤中經驗累積,憑想像完成各式飛機,並不真正了解與無人飛機相關之空氣動力學、動力、控制、材料與結構等等之理論基礎。此外,現有的飛機設計與製造的書籍偏重學理與學術理論,不符合國內高中至大學低年級之學生程度之需求。 本論文之目的為填補這個空缺,藉由廣泛蒐集文獻與整理,加上實際製作之說明與指引,希望能提供一本參考書籍,對無人飛機設計理論、飛行原理與基礎、基本控制、結構設計概念與製造,系統安裝、所有製作細節過程以及試飛等,都有敘述,希望能降低入門至初階的無人飛機參與者的門檻,提升國內高中及大學校院的參與。 本研究共分為飛行基礎理論、無人飛機製造與實務、載重飛機設計製造專案和航拍任務設計規劃等四個主要部分,希望藉由本文降低無人飛機的學習門檻,並對無人飛機社群能有一些貢獻。


In recent years, due to the developing of mechanical processes and electrical technology, components of UAVs become more and more refining and much more reliable, with lower cost. Therefore, increasing number of people participate in designing and producing UAVs by themselves. However, those beginners usually do lack of theoretical and technology background about design and manufacture of UAVs. Most of beginners learn through instructors and make common mistakes during the attempt of making UAVs with only imagination and a few experiences. In practical, the suitable usage of theories of aerodynamics, dynamics, control systems, and mechanics of material have been proved to be very useful for beginners. In addition, most of the current available reference books of aircraft design and manufacture focus on academic theories which are not suitable for people without engineering background and students under sophomore. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to full fill the lack just mentioned above. In order to provide a reference book, UAVs design theory, principles of flight and control, the concept of structural design and manufacturing, system installation, details of the production process and the flight test are some main topics to be covered. Four major parts assemble this thesis; they are primary flight theory and control, manufacture processes, an air vehicle design example for air cargo competition, and a flight plan for an aerial photo mission. This thesis which lowers the requirement and barrier about understanding UAV will help people who are interesting in UAV.


[8] John D. Anderson, Jr. Introduction to Flight . Chapter5 P264。
[9] John D. Anderson, Jr. Introduction to Flight . Chapter5 P276。
[15]Profili 2機翼分析軟體。
[2] A. M. Low's "Aerial Target"介紹網頁, http://www.ctie.monash.edu.au/hargrave/rpav_britain.html。



