  • 學位論文


A Study about Fashion Style of Trendy Brand T-shirt in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林承謙


全球金融海嘯衝擊與各產業消彌之際,因應流行文化的新興產業―潮流品牌,競爭力卻逆勢成長,形成消費市場上的新勢力,加上資訊傳播之快,所以潮流品牌開始影響著時下產品的風格,並衍生專屬潮流品牌的流行文化,而此現象正揭櫫了潮流品牌領導流行之時代來臨。再者,臺灣潮流品牌近來順勢而生,因著不同文化的融入及多方元素的增加,致使其潮流品牌的設計獨樹一幟。因此,本研究將透過文獻分析法、內容分析法、文本分析法,藉潮流品牌之源由探究,瞭解其發展脈絡,並分析探究潮牌T-shirt視覺符碼的設計手法與內容表現。另外,藉由深度訪談法以及問卷調查法,探究潮流品牌帶動流行的因素與深受消費者喜愛之原因。故此,本研究的研究目的茲分為三部分:第一,藉由文獻的蒐集、整理與歸納,探究潮流品牌的源起與發展;第二,闡釋亞洲地區的日本、香港與臺灣之潮流品牌T-shirt的設計情形、風格表現與精神意涵;第三,藉由深度訪談與問卷調查結果,進行潮流品牌T-shirt之流行形象塑造與時尚風格成形的分析探究。本研究目的主要是歸納與分析潮流品牌T-shirt的源起、發展與興盛之歷程,釐清臺灣潮流品牌主理人的創作思維與行銷經營,並得知其形象塑造之方式,與消費者展現自身時尚風格的依據。最後,依研究歸納提出建議,以作為引領臺灣未來潮流品牌T-shirt創立、設計與行銷經營的借鏡。 本研究將研究過程與議題劃分成五大章節來闡述與呈現。第一章為緒論的部分,含括研究背景、研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、名詞釋義、研究方法與執行架構。重點在於論述現今社會文化在資訊發達的時代下,形塑了潮流品牌T-shirt的消費市場掘起,進而推演至潮流品牌T-shirt視覺符碼、行銷經營與流行狀況的探討,以瞭解潮流品牌T-shirt的消費趨勢。第二章則將潮流品牌的流行視為社會現象的一環,聚焦於文化、服裝以及潮流品牌的源起等文獻資料的探討,依此建構潮流品牌T-shirt風格與流行的理論背景。第三章則為時下潮流品牌T-shirt設計手法之介紹,以及日本、香港、臺灣與潮流品牌T-shirt視覺符碼設計手法之分析與比較,藉由彼此的比較與對照,歸納出日本、香港、臺灣潮流品牌T-shirt視覺符碼的異同。第四章則為採用文獻分析法來進行剖析論述,並配合設計者之深度訪談以及消費者之問卷調查,期許將文獻分析所得與實際訪談調查所得相互結合、印證,藉此以歸納出潮流品牌T-shirt設計師如何設計潮T、引領潮流;以及瞭解消費者對於時下潮流品牌T-shirt的圖像策略、設計手法之喜好與消費心理狀態之探究,釐清消費者如何決定自我的時尚風格,並透過兩者所得結果進行交相比對,分析出設計師與消費者對潮流品牌T-shirt之偏好與看法,以釐清兩族群認知之異同。第五章為研究結論與建議,歸納與統合前面四章節所闡述,彙整本研究訪談潮流品牌T-shirt主理人或設計師所得結果與消費者之問卷調查內容,歸納出兩者對於潮流品牌T-shirt的看法與偏好,以及未來的前景與發展。 本研究於結論的部分,依據綜合歸納、分析、闡釋、訪談、問卷調查等研究過程,發現臺灣潮流品牌T-shirt的時尚風格塑造的成功因素主要是歸功以下三點:(1)成立背景的恰到好處;(2)行銷經營策略的成功;(3)品牌精神與理念的差異與定位。至於臺灣潮流品牌T-shirt的時尚風格探究,藉由本研究之調查結果,可以歸結出以下三點:(1)臺灣潮流品牌T-shirt時尚風格的成形,消費族群是以青少年為主,而且關注流行的女性消費者居多,但是近年來男性追求打扮的風氣也逐漸成形、成熟,因此,未來亦可以男性消費者為設計之考量。(2)臺灣潮流品牌T-shirt時尚風格的成功,主要是因消費者喜歡潮流品牌T-shirt的設計,而其設計的創新主要來自於圖像策略的展現,諸如3D插畫技巧、大的字體,以及設計手法的獨特,例如塗鴉和擬真等,兩者交相運用帶來新穎與有趣的視覺符碼,倘若價格與品質方面能夠以物美價廉的策略販售,想必未來應該能夠引起另一股臺灣潮流品牌T-shirt時尚風格的風潮。(3)潮流品牌T-shirt雖藉由明星藝人帶動風潮,但是自創之小眾的潮流品牌倘若有獨特的設計與出眾的理念,於潮流品牌市場仍可佔有一席之地,是否具有明星藝人之光環加持,或者是否有財團強力支撐,顯然均不是潮流品牌T-shirt創立的必要條件。然而,藉由研究過程,除了發現潮流品牌T-shirt流行形象與時尚風格的成功之因,亦發掘了潮流品牌T-shirt未來可能面臨的狀況及待解決之問題,本研究彙整為以下三點內容:(1)圖像策略與設計手法的再創新。(2)品牌精神、理念與風格的建立。(3)擅用網路資訊時代的應用。以此三點作為研究建議與研究方向,供未來從事相關學術研究之研究者,或者從事潮流品牌T-shirt設計之設計者作為參考。


When the impact of the global financial and the various industries are not-good, in response to popular culture's emerging industries - Trendy Brands, its competitiveness is contrarian growth. The formation of a new force on the consumer market, and affect the style of products, derivative exclusive culture of Trendy Brands, this phenomenon declared the era of Trendy Brands. Furthermore, the Local Trendy Brands in recent were born, and because of their cultural image of the product, become its unique design.Therefore, this study will be covered by Literature Analysis, Content Analysis, Text analysis, to understand the process of its development, and analysis the clothing visual symbols of Trendy Brand by using the codes. In addition, this study will be covered by In-Depth Interview and Questionnaire Survey, to explore the factors and popular reasons of Trendy Brands. Therefore, the Purpose of this study is divided into three parts:First, to explore the origin and development of Trendy Brands;Second, to analysis visual symbols codes and to explore the style of Japan’s Trendy Brands, Hong Kong’s Trendy Brands and Taiwan’s Trendy Brands;Third, to explain Popular Image and Fashion Style of Trendy Brand T-shirt by In-Depth Interview and Questionnaire Survey. The main purpose of this study is to summarize and analyze Trendy Brand T-shirt's origins, development and prosperity of the process. To clarify the Trendy Brand’s Director of Taiwan's creative thinking, marketing management, and the manner of its image, and consumer how to show own fashion style. Finally, according to study summarized to make recommendations of Taiwan’s Trendy trend in the future. In this study, the research process is divided into five chapters with topics to elaborate and present. Chapter I is Introduction, includes background, motivation and purpose, scope and limitations, terminology, research methodology and implementation framework. Discussion of current social and cultural development in the information age, rise of the consumer market about Trendy Brand. And then extrapolating to the visual codes of Trendy Brand, marketing management and popular situation. To understand consumer trends of Trendy Brand. Chapter II will focus on culture, fashion and Origins, and build Trendy Brand T-shirt style with the popular theoretical background. Chapter III is the introduction of Trendy Brand T-shirt design methods nowadays, and analysis the design techniques of the visual codes . By comparison and contrast, summarize the visual symbol of the similarities and differences of Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan. Chapter IV uses literature analysis to analyze the discourse, and with In-Depth Interview of designers and Questionnaire Survey of consumers, expectations derived from the literature survey and actual interviews with each other. Summarize the designer how to design a T-shirt; and understand consumer preferences and consumer psychology about Trendy Brand T-shirt. And to clarify how to determine the self-consumer of fashion style, analysis of the designer and consumer preferences and views. Chapter V is Conclusions and recommendations, to analysis the results of this study interviews and surveys of consumers, to summarize the views and preferences, and development prospects for the future. Conclusions of this study is :(1)Established just right.(2)Successful marketing management.(3)Differences in the spirit and philosophy of the brand and positioning. Taiwan's Trendy Brand T-shirt fashion style is:(1)Consumer groups are youth-oriented, and many consumers concerned about popular are women. In recent years, the pursuit of men dressed in the atmosphere is gradually forming, Trendy Brand can also design considerations for the male consumer in the future.(2)Success of Trendy Brand is because consumers like the design, such as 3D illustration techniques, large font, Graffiti, Verisimilitude. These techniques bring new and interesting visual codes. If the T-shirt can be cheap in price and quality, Trendy Brand T-shirt should be able to bring popular in the future.(3)If niche brand have unique design and superior ideas, star artists’ publicity and strong support of the consortium both are not the necessary conditions to establish Trendy Brand. The recommendations of the study, this study made three recommendations:(1)The need for innovative about image strategies and design techniques.(2)Building spirit and philosophy of Trendy Brand.(3)It is very important to use the Internet. According to three Advice and direction, as a reference to future researchers and designers.


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