  • 學位論文

探討Web 2.0 數位典藏網站之使用意向-以泰雅文化為例

Exploring the use intention of digital archives Web 2.0 websites - the case of Atayal culture

指導教授 : 黃馨逸 陳牧言


臺灣根據語言學研究認為是南島語族的發源地,因此臺灣原住民的歷史文化與文物、藝術都是非常重要的文化資產。而這些原住民祖先所遺留的文化,如何透過資訊科技將之保存、發揚、活化,更是值得關注的課題。但面對社會進步與生活環境的衝擊下,原住民的傳統技藝、祭儀禮俗有著逐漸消逝與不被重視的危機。 數位典藏(Digital Archives)是目前全世界所積極推動的一項重要的數位內容基礎建設,透過數位典藏,不僅讓文物得以保存,更能應用推廣,使精緻文化能夠普及化,並加值應用於各項產業上。因此,我們利用以開放原始碼(Open Source)製作的內容管理系統(Content Management System)來建置數位典藏博物館,並以適宜的詮釋資料(metadata)將文物屬性定義,再利用主題地圖(Topic Maps)把內容相互串連形成一個豐富的知識庫。此外,為了讓使用者從單方面接收資訊轉變為使用者之間互相提供資訊,我們使用RSS訂閱、標籤雲、社群、Wiki…等「Web 2.0」元素的服務來增加知識管理平台具備與使用者互動和分享知識、協同創作的功能。 本研究以苗栗縣泰安鄉境內泰雅原住民生活藝術文物作為Web 2.0數位典藏網站的實例,並運用包含Web 2.0網站特性、媒體豐富度、類社會臨場感、使用經驗、使用者滿意度、使用意向等構面加以探討Web 2.0數位典藏網站的使用意向。本研究成果除了建構一個Web 2.0數位典藏網站使用意向的衡量模型,也預期能與教育結合,讓學校教師及學生更能有效應用數位典藏的成果,並以數位典藏網站內容為素材,結合相關專業人才與教師,協力發揮各種創意,開發出具有應用性、實用性及創意性的數位學習產品,以活化文物,達文化產業化目的。


The results of o linguistic studies suggest that Taiwan is the origin of Austronesian languages. Therefore Formosan aboriginal culture items such as, artifacts, clothesings and paintings are all invaluable cultural heritages. For this reason, how to use information technology to help preserve, glorify and revitalize the culture of our aboriginal ancestors deserves great attention. The traditional Formosan cultural heriages in traditioanl villages are phasing out due tio chnages of the living styles and threats from outside.. Digital archives is an important project that every country is currently eagerly implementing. Through the digital archiving project, cultural artifacts can be better preserved and promoted. It also can allow the ‘refined culture’ to be made more accessible to the general public and provide additional value for application in various industries. In this paper, we use the Content Management System to construct Open Source coding to build a digital archive museum. In our digital museum, we define the artifacts by their appropriate metadata and use Topic Maps to connect all the contents to form a comprehensive knowledge bank. In addition, to conduct one-way information provision and two-way information communication with users, a range of ‘Web 2.0’ elements including RSS feeds, tag clouds, communities, Wiki and many other technologies are employed in the knowledge management platform to provide the additional features of user interaction such as knowledge sharing and the promotion of joint creation. This research illustrates the practical implementation of digital archives using the example of aboriginal artifacts of the Atayal aborigines in the Tai-an Township area of Miaoli County. The digital collection includes the everyday essential tools used by the Atayal aborigines, their traditional arts and crafts, and specialty arts. The objective for our research is for developing an integrating tool for educational purpose. Therefore, school teachers and students can share and effectively apply the resources from the research findings. Another objective is to revitalize and commercialize the cultural industry by using the content of the digital archive website as the basis for joining forces with professional talents and teachers to achieve maximum creativity and create digital learning products that provide applicability, practicality and creativity.


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