  • 學位論文


The Influences of Environmental Uncertainty and Strategic Types on International Financial Management and Business Performance--Using Taichung Enterprises Investing in Mainland China and Vietnam as Examples

指導教授 : 周素娥


近十年來台商較熱門的跨國投資地區為大陸及越南,在該兩地區的經濟快速成長、人民幣的升值或越盾大幅貶值、通膨的壓力及相關勞工政策的制定,對台商在跨國經營過程中,面臨了許多複雜的環境不確定因素,因此台商基於比較利益與全球佈局時,面臨外在環境的政治、經濟、社會文化、科技等「環境的高度不確定性」下,如何採取適當的跨國「經營策略」並透過有效率的「財務協調機制」來創造其海外企業的「經營績效」是必然的。 本研究以電子郵件經網路傳遞方式,並針對企業的高階主管或財務主管人員為抽樣對象,經初步篩選已至大陸及越南投產之台商,以電子郵件問卷方式來蒐集實證資料。問卷共計發放120份問卷,回收49份,有效問卷為49份,回收率40.8%。研究方法主要採相關分析及迴歸分析,以探討企業特性、環境不確定性、企業經營策略與跨國財務管理機制是否有顯著的相關,以及跨國財務管理機制及台商所採取的經營策略對組織經營績效的影響程度。 本研究結果發現: 1.台商在地主國的環境不確定性中,稅務法令處理趨向整合式的互相合作,資金調度及通膨、匯率、利率處理趨向母公司控管,財會承辦人員趨向當地化。 2.台商的跨國策略主要採取前瞻性及防禦性兩種,前兩者策略財會承辦人員均趨向當地化。前瞻性策略者,財會管理權趨向整合式的互相合作。 3.企業資本額或營業規模越大者,財會管理權越趨向整合式的互相合作。 4.財務管理機制中採取整合式的互相合作,較有正向的財務績效,採取防禦性策略者較有正向的財務績效。


Over the past decade, Taiwan businesses are more likely to invest either in mainland China and/or in Vietnam. Due to situations such as rapid economic growth, Yuan appreciation or substantial depreciation of the Vietnamese Dong, inflation and local labor policies make businesses face many complex environmental uncertainties. Therefore based on the comparative advantages of Taiwan businessmen with the global layout, the external environment facing the political, economical, social culture, science and technology and other of high degree of environmental uncertainties, how to take appropriate trans-national business strategies and through an efficient financial management co-ordination mechanism to create its overseas businesses operating performance are inevitable. In this study, e-mails by the network selected senior managements or financial directors as the sample objects. 120 questionnaires had been sent out via email to collect empirical data as the initial screening aimed for Taiwan businessmen in mainland China and Vietnam, only 49 were recovered as valid questionnaires, 40.8% recovery rate. The main research methods adopted correlation analysis and regression analysis to explore whether there are significant correlations in the corporate identities, environmental uncertainties, business strategies and multinational financial management mechanisms or not, as well as the business performance impact between the cross-border financial management mechanisms and corporate strategic managements. The results of this study found that: 1. Taiwan businessmen in the host countries faced with environmental uncertainties such as the integrated co-operation tax policies, funds scheduling and inflation, exchange rates, interest rates, tend to be under the parent company’s control; however, in contrary financial and accounting staff personnel tend to localize. 2. Trans-national business strategies of Taiwan businessmen tend to take foreseeable and defensive methods. Both foreseeable and defensive strategies, financial and accounting staffs tend to localize. For those Taiwan businessmen take foreseeable strategy, the financial and accounting management are more likely to adopt an “integrated co-operation”way. 3. Sales or business capital of the greater scale, financial and accounting management are more likely to adopt an‘integrated co-operation’way. 4. Financial management mechanisms that adopt an integrated approach and defensive strategy, as a result, the financial performance show more positive.


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