  • 學位論文


The Study of Implementing Character Design in Festival Marketing - A Case of Central Taiwan Lantern Festival

指導教授 : 李淙柏


近幾年來,中台灣元宵節燈會運用角色圖像於燈會設計上,已經成為一種成功的行銷模式。以角色設計為核心所規劃的行銷活動與策略運用方式,除可吸引媒體報導及参觀人潮外,更增進節慶行銷的整體效益。 探討元宵節燈會所使用的角色設計行銷方式,分為下列三研究階段:(一)目標確定─以2005-2009 年的中台灣元宵節燈會為研究目標,觀察與探討這幾年所運用非卡通角色或知名角色的設計方式。(二)問卷調查─針對2005-2009 年中台灣元宵燈會設計進行調查,透過問卷分析探討消費者參觀元宵節燈會活動之行為與偏好。(三)訪談研究─透過半結構訪談分析主辦者、設計者、消費者三面向之專家觀點。最後歸納分析結果並提出結論與建議。 運用問卷量化分析及半結構訪談質性分析等研究方法後,研究發現:(一)透過卡通角色元素的置入與結合,似可吸引新消費族群的出現,其特徵為「女性、社會新鮮人、23-26 歲」之消費族群,研究推論此類消費者在成長過程多與這些設計角色有所關聯,所以有較高的意願前來參與運用這些卡通角色所設計的元宵節燈會。(二)選擇代言角色時,主辦單位與執行者不僅應考慮角色知名度,同時還須考慮角色形象、故事性、情感連結性、吸引力、商業性效益等各項關鍵要素。(三)對消費者而言,所要的行銷設計不再只是沒有創意與鮮明個性的傳統角色形象,而是具有故事性、吸引力、情感連結性、商業力強的角色元素。(四)對設計者而言,燈會設計可以運用角色代言的魅力,重新塑造燈會的角色形象與故事去創意行銷中台灣元宵節燈會。(四)對主辦單位而言,透過代言角色的魅力與形象,可以迅速拓展燈會知名度,吸引人潮以增進觀光與經濟效益。 同時透過上述研究成果,本研究結論為角色的元素若與中國傳統十二生肖能有效結合,再配合歡樂的節慶氣氛營造,如運用主題樂園的呈現方式,將更可提高代言角色、元宵節燈會與消費者情感間的連結程度。這些設計模式的運用,即是以角色設計為核心規劃2006-2009 年中台灣元宵節燈會比2005 年以前只運用傳統生肖造型做設計的燈會較能成功行銷的關鍵因素。


Marketing strategies and activities with mascot character might draw people closer to the festivals and increase the overall benefit of the marketing for festivals as well. In recent years, adopting mascot character in Lantern Festivals at Central Taiwan has proved to be a successful marketing model. In order to examine the marketing model, three research steps focused on mascot character design were adopted: (1)Define research targets – reviewing the application of famous or non-famous mascot characters in 2005 to 2009 Lantern Festivals at Central Taiwan. (2) Questionnaire survey – conducting a survey about the mascot characters design to consumers and analyzing their behaviors and preferences to these activities. (3)Interview – utilizing a semi-structured interview to collect expert opinions from host organizers, designers and consumers. The data were analyzed by quantitative methods and semi-structured interview analysis methods. Subsequently, the results and the suggestions were summarized as follows: (1) Placing famous mascot characters to the Lantern Festivals could attract “23 to 26-year-old social freshwomen” as a new consumer group. Due to the certain emotional connections with these mascot characters in their childhood, they might be strongly willing to participate in the Lantern Festivals. (2) When selecting a mascot character, the host organizers should not only consider the “Awareness”, but also think about its critical properties such as images, background stories, emotional connections, attractiveness and economic benefits. (3) Consumers might want to see the mascot characters with above-mentioned critical properties rather than traditional ones without obvious characteristics. (4) Designers could take advantages of the attractiveness from mascot characters to re-build images and stories for marketing the Lantern Festivals. (5) By adopting the images and attractiveness of the mascot characters, host organizations could widely spread their reputation, draw more people and improve the tourism economic benefits of the Lantern Festivals. Besides, according to the findings of interview, when the mascot characters were associated with Chinese Zodiac and happier festival mood (for example, placing the character mascots in several theme pavilions), the emotional connections between consumers and the Lantern Festivals could be enhanced. In conclusion, above-mentioned marketing model might be the primary reason why the 2006 to 2009 Lantern Festivals at Central Taiwan were marketed successfully and why 2005’s was not.


陳弘尉 (2005)。旅遊意象對滿意度與重遊意願之影響研究-以2006 台灣燈會為例。南台科技大學休閒事業管理系碩士論文


