  • 學位論文


Using Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Behavioral Intention of Passenger Using E-Gate: Kaohsiung International Airport

指導教授 : 楊政樺


隨全球化潮流,ICAO於2005年起為因應高度成長國際移動人口,要求會員國應於2010年前頒行可供機器判讀的MRP護照,並嵌入非接觸式晶片儲存持照人基本資料及臉部影像及指紋虹膜等生物特徵,藉由無線射頻技術傳遞,海關人員即可快速辨識護照真偽提高通關效率。傳統通關程序皆由人工服務,耗時、人工成本高且易有誤差,隨科技進步,旅行文件電子化,通關程序也走向自助式服務的方式,利用生物特徵驗證或識別方式進行通關查驗,準確性高且節省通關程序時間亦可有效利用人力與空間。近年世界各國相繼設立自動查驗通關系統,臺灣亦於2012年正式啟用E-Gate,唯試用期與正式營運近2年,使用人數仍然偏低。 過去研究證實科技接受模式作為解釋個人使用新科技產品之使用意圖具有良好的代表性,本研究為探究影響旅客使用E-Gate的因素以高雄國際航空站國際線旅客為研究對象佐以科技接受模式為架構基礎,加入服務人員互動需求、知覺風險因素,以結構方程模式分析服務人員互動需求、知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺風險、使用態度對使用意圖的影響,並探討構面間相互影響關係。研究結果證實:服務人員互動需求與知覺風險負向影響使用意圖,且服務人員互動需求是影響旅客使用E-Gate的最大影響因素、其次為知覺風險與使用態度,期能幫助管理單位於推廣E-Gate的決策參考。


Due to trade of globalization and the high growth of international population shift, ICAO have agree to issue the machine-readable passports at 2005, and have determined national passports that were to become machine readable no later than 2010. The Customs use E-passports which need to have high-capacity contactless integrated circuit (IC) with passenger’s basic data and facial, iris or fingerprint biometric data, and use RFID technology to deliver information that can rapidly winnow the passports. Traditional customs clearance procedures by the human service is not only time-consuming, labor costs are high and easy to have errors. With the scientific and technological progress, travel documents become using electronic technology, customs clearance procedures also move towards self-service mode which using metric verification or identification for customs inspection with high accuracy and less time also are an effective use of manpower and space. Automated immigration clearance system, which has been deployed widely by airports worldwide, E-Gate in Taiwan also has be officially launched on January 1, 2012. However, a trial period and formal operating for nearly two years, the number of users is still low. According to past investigation, Technology Acceptance Model has been a popular model in explaining intention to use on people using new technology. This study is to explore factors affect travelers to use the E-Gate, using Kaohsiung International Airport for international travelers as the research object basing, and base on technology Acceptance Model as research framework adding need for interaction with a service employee and perceived risk two factor. The research utilized structure equation modeling to analyze the influence of and the relationship between need for interaction with a service employee, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, attitude on the intention to use E-Gate, and discuss the relationship between those factors. The empirical results show that: need for interaction with a service employee and perceived risk have negative effects on intention, and need for interaction with a service employee is the most importance factor effects intention, the second one is perceived, the third one is attitude.


田瑞駒、張志雄與薛文盛 (2009)。網路購物知覺風險因素之實證研究。興國學報,10(1),81-97。


