  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Tea Cultural Tourism Potential in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張德儀


本文旨在建構適合臺灣茶文化觀光發展的指標、評估茶產地區文化觀光發展指標之權重,分析臺灣茶文化觀光發展策略、協助地區業者與組織建立觀光資源策略及茶文化觀光發展評估指標,讓茶產業聚落有效整合地區的觀光資源,並提供遊客選擇茶文化觀光地區之依據。研究透過Porter(1990)鑽石模型六大構面,探討茶文化產業為何能在全臺產業競爭環境中脫穎而出,茶文化產業者如何協調與配置產業與外在環境資源,有哪些產業環境資源是可進行策略改善,研究方法採次級資料分析法及深度訪談法歸納產官學三方專家之內容,建立發展臺灣茶文化觀光評估指標模式,最後採用Saaty(1971)層級程序分析法評估各地區茶文化觀光發展潛力指標之權重。 研究結果為六項主指標,次指標為二十五項,分析指標之權重依序為「生產要素」、「需求條件」、「組織策略結構競爭」、「相關支援產業」、「政府」、「機會」,生產要素指標中,指標權重值最高者為「茶文化聚落環境氛圍」,其次為「茶產品特色」;需求條件指標中,「目標客群多樣化」為加權數值最高者;組織策略結構競爭指標中,最需注重的指標為「茶葉商品化」;相關支援產業指標中,「聯合行銷推廣」為最重要的評估指標項目;機會指標中,「茶文化觀光聚落永續發展性」為首要注重的指標項目。上述的指標項目透過二十一位專家訪談與層級程序分析法所得之指標權重結果,本研究彙整建立茶文化觀光發展評估之重要因素,未來可協助國內茶產業者藉由指標權重及研究分析之結果,將茶文化產業成功轉型,業者、政府人員於管理地方觀光資源及實施策略有所改善,提供學術研究者於未來研究茶產業及地區之參考。未來研究可促進臺灣茶產地區業者、地方政府、非營利機構協力建構合作平台,提升茶文化聚落競爭力,藉發展觀光力量,帶動地方產業經濟,協助地區茶文化相關人士,傳承臺灣茶文化襲產及茶藝,永續經營臺灣茶業及地方聚落。


The first purpose of this article is to analyze the characteristics of resources and the developing strategic at the five tea origin areas in Taiwan. Second, it is to establish the pointers of tea cultural tourism. Third, it is to use the evaluation of pointers to help tea cultural employers choose the best of program and strategic in environment of competition. This research of methodology uses the Diamond Model to assay the competition strategic and industry situation at the tea area, Secondary Research and In-Depth Interview to collect suggestion of the tea cultural and tea-related industry proffers and then establish the indicators of tea cultural tourism development, and the last uses AHP to evaluate the pointers of tea cultural tourism in Taiwan and provide the analysis result for tea-related industry employers. According to the research result, it shows that “Production factor” dimension is the most important of dimension.The “tea cultural Reconstruction of atmosphere” is the most important of dimension in the “Production factor” dimension, and the following are “tea production of characteristic”. In the “Demand factor” dimension, “The multiform target of customers” dimention is the most important evaluation Potential. In the”Asocciation of strategy, struture and comprtition factor” dimension, the most important of dimension is the “tea commercialization”. In the “Relational support property”dimension, the most important of dimention is the “reconstruction effct”. In the “Goverenment factor“dimenstion, the “United promotion” dimension is the most impotant of. In the”Opptunity factor”dimension, the important of dimension is the “Sustainable tea cultural reconstruction”.The thesis helps the traditional tea industry success for constructing the evaluation system of development. At last, it stimulates the tea employers, government, and nor-profit origination to collaborate and raise the competitive at tea cultural tourism reconstructions.


沈進成、蕭丹瑋(2007)。應用模糊權重總暨運算法建立旗津社區營造海洋永續發展潛力評估模式。管理實務與理論研究,1(2),17 -29。
