  • 期刊


The trends of sexual values and behaviours among youth in Macao





性價值觀 性行為 青年 趨勢


Objective: To better understand the sexual values and sexual behavior trends of Macao youth in order to develop sex education interventions tailored to Macao local culture. Method: Using the data from "Macao Youth Indicators Profile Project" between 2012 and 2018 to analyze the trends of sexual values and behaviours amongst 13 to 29 years old youth in Macao. Results: Among the perceived four sexual behaviours of pre-marital sex, co-habiting, one-night stand and multiple sexual partners, co-habiting with the partner was the most accepted behavior in pre-marital time among the youth, while having multiple sexual partners was the least accepted. From 2012 to 2018, pre-marital sex and co-habiting were positively correlated with age (p<0.001); the acceptance of pre-marital sex, co-habiting and one-night stand were positively correlated with the passage of time (p<0.001). The percentages of having pre-marital sex experience were higher in male that those in females over the consecutive years (p<0.05); the ages of first sexual intercourse in females were older than that in males (p<0.001). Conclusion: The sexual values among youth in Macao have changed over time, and sexual education needs to be modified accordingly.


sexual values sexual behaviours youth trends
