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台灣營養調查NAHSIT I 1993-1996之飲食六大類食物變化性

Diet Diversity of the Taiwanese Diet in the Nutritional Survey of NAHSIT I 1993-1996


均衡攝食各類食物是健康飲食的基本原則。為了解國人六大類食物的攝取狀況,以及食物類數與營養素充足程度的關聯,乃利用具有全國代表性之樣本,衛生署「82-85年國民營養健康狀況變遷調查」(NAHSIT I 1993-1996),其中19-64歲獨立樣本之24小時飲食回憶資料,計有男性1958人及女性1949人,共3907名,分析其「飲食變化性分數」(diet diversity score)以及「營養素足量比」(nutrient adequacy ratio)。結果可見,國人之「食物變化性分數」得分平均為7.0,以奶類和水果類選用特別偏低。趨勢分析結果可見,隨著食物類數增多,兩性之熱量營養素、Na等四項礦物質,維生素E等六項維生素、以及膽固醇之攝取量,均有顯著升高的趨勢。以營養素密度表示時,經校正年齡與性別後可見,脂肪、鈣、磷、維生素A、E、B1、C等七項營養素均隨飲食變化性而增多,但是碳水化合物類則減少之趨勢,表示食物變化性可以提昇飲食供應維生素與礦物質之能力,但國人有捨除富含碳水化合物食物的現象。無論是以營養素建議量或參考攝取量為標準計算「營養素足量比」,九項必需營養素的充足程度均隨食物類數增加而升高,攝取食物達五大類時,可滿足兩性大部分營養素之75% RDNA,但需六大類始可達到75% DRI。調查顯示台灣成人選用五大類或以上食物者只有約40%,飲食指標之均衡飲食宣導仍有待加強。


Eating a balance diet based on a variety of foods is the recommendation of the current dietary guidelines. In order to assess food group intake patterns and the association between food diversity and the nutritional adequacy of the Taiwanese diet, diet diversity scores and nutrient adequacy ratios were calculated, using a nationwide- representative database. Twenty-four-hour dietary recall data for 3907 adults (1958 mem and 1949 women) were extracted from the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT I 1993-1996). To calculate the diet diversity score, food groups were based on dietary guidelines, and for each food group, the intake criterion was set at on-half serving. The average diversity score for the Taiwanese diet was 7.0,with the lowest intake for dairy and fruit groups. Nutrient intake significantly increased with diet diversity. Nutrient densities of fat, Ca, P, and vitamins A, E, B2, and C also increased with diversity, while that of carbohydrate decreased. The nutrient adequacy ratio increased with diversity. To meet 75% of the Recommended Daily Nutrient Allowances, five food groups were needed, while to meet 75% of the Dietary Reference Intakes, six food groups were needed. At present only 40% of Taiwanese adults choose five or more food groups in their diet. In conclusion, the diet of most Taiwanese adults deviates from the preferred balance and needs to be improved.


