DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2006013台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 26: 161-170 (2006) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Pollinators and Their Behaviors on Mango Flowers in Southern Taiwan 【Research Article】

I-Hsin Sung*, Ming-Ying Lin, Chin-Hsing Chang, Ann-Shiou Cheng, and Wen-Shyong Chen Kai-Kuang Ho
宋一鑫*、林明瑩、張錦興、鄭安秀、陳文雄 何鎧光
*通訊作者E-mail :􀀄
Received: 2005/12/18     Accepted: 2006/04/12     Available online: 2006/06/01
One hundred and twenty-six individual insects belonging to 39 species in 23 families and five orders were recorded as a visitor or pollinator on mango flowers from February 13 to March 17, 2005 in southern Taiwan. Most of these insects belonged to the Diptera and Hymenoptera. The former contained 15 species and accounted for 42.0% of the number of collected individuals, while the latter contained 14 species accounting for 39.7%. Major pollinators included honeybees (Apis cerana and A. mellifera) and an allodapine bee (Braunsapis hewitti) of the Apidae and sweat bees (Halictus sp. and Lassioglossum spp.) of the Halictidae among the Hymenoptera, and Chrysomya megacephala, Ch. pinguis, and Musca domestica of the Diptera, which were considered to be the dominant species due to their frequent appearance. Some other insects were also commonly seen such as Cantharis sp. and Menochilus sexmaculatus of the Coleoptera, and Idioscopus spp. of the Hemiptera. The sex ratio was biased to females (69.1%), probably because of their needs for both pollen and nectar which are used for brood rearing. The number of flower-visiting pollinators per hour was on average 12.9 (range, 1-35) individuals/h, suggesting that pollinators of mangos are insufficient in the area investigated. On each visited flower, bees usually spent a shorter time than did Oriental latrine flies (Chrysomya) and soldier beetles
(Cantharis), and soon moved on to a neighboring flower. Judging from the behavioral characteristics of these pollinators, honeybees and sweat bees, and the Oriental latrine fly seem to be more effective for this purpose than others, and are recommended to be utilized in pollination programs for mangos in Taiwan.

本研究於2005年2月13日至3月17日調查台灣南部檬果的訪花及授粉昆蟲種類,結果收集之昆蟲共計5目23科39種126隻,其中授粉昆蟲以雙翅目與膜翅目為主。雙翅目有15種,佔42.0%;膜翅目14種,佔39.7%。重要的計有膜翅目東洋蜜蜂 (Apis cerana)、西洋蜜蜂 (A. mellifera)、何威布朗蜂 (Braunspis hewitti)、二種隧蜂 (Halictus sp. 及 Lassioglossum sp.);雙翅目大頭金蠅 (Chrysomya megacephala)、一種麗蠅 (Ch. pinguis) 及家蠅 (Musca domestica)。所收集授粉昆蟲中,雌性佔多數,有69.1%,因其需要採集花粉與花蜜,以補充育幼所需之資源。每一小時訪花之昆蟲為1~35隻、平均12.9隻,顯示調查區域缺乏足夠之訪花昆蟲。蜜蜂類停留於每一朵小花上之時間比麗蠅及菊虎為短,不久便飛行至鄰近的花上。另比較訪花行為特徵,其中以蜜蜂、隧蜂及麗蠅類在檬果花授粉功能似乎較其他昆蟲為佳,因此建議利用此等昆蟲於檬果授粉上。

Key words: mango, pollinator, visiting insect, bee, behavior
關鍵詞: 檬果、授粉者、訪花昆蟲、蜜蜂、行為
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