DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2009020台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 29: 239-249 (2009) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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The Population Parameters of Cotton Aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, on Three Host Plants at Various Constant Temperatures 【Research Article】

Hsiu-Hwa Hao1*, and Yu-Chang Liu2
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Received: 2009/09/07     Accepted: 2009/10/26     Available online: 2009/12/01
The population parameter of cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) on three host plants (Psidium guajava, Ageratum houstonianum, and Bidens pilosa) showed that the highest intrinsic rate of increase (rm) and the finite rate of increase (λ) were at 25℃, of which r = 0.3924/day and λ = 1.4800/day on P. guajava, rm = 0.5106/day and λ = 1.6653/day on A. houstonianum, and rm = 0.3214/day andλ = 1.3766/day on B. pilosa. The highest net reproductive rates (R0) were 36.4 and 48.9 on P. guajava and A. houstonianum, respectively, at 25℃, and 35.1 offspring/female on B. pilosa at 20℃. The mean generation time (T) on the three host plants was reduced by an increase in temperature, the shortest was 8.8 days on P. guajava, 7.0 days on A. houstonianum, and 9.7 days on B. pilosa, respectively, all at 30℃.

不同定溫下棉蚜 (Aphis gossypii Glover) 在番石榴 (Psidium guajava L.)、紫花霍香薊 (Ageratum houstonianum Mill.) 及大花咸豐草 (Bidens pilosa L.) 三種不同寄主植物上之族群介量,其內在增殖率 (rm) 及終極增殖率 (λ) 皆於 25℃ 時達最大值 (番石榴上為 rm = 0.3924/日、λ = 1.4800/日,紫花霍香薊上為 rm = 0.5106/日、λ = 1.6653/日,大花咸豐草上為 rm = 0.3214/日、λ = 1.3766/日);淨增殖率 (R0) 在番石榴與紫花香薊上,皆於 25℃ 時最高 (分別為 36.4、48.9 子代/♀),在大花咸豐草上則於 20℃ 時最高 (35.1 子代/♀);在不同寄主植物上之平均世代時間 (T) 皆隨著溫度的上升而逐漸縮短,至 30℃ 時最短 (分別為 8.8、7.0 及 9.7 日)。

Key words: cotton aphid, temperature, population parameters, host plant
關鍵詞: 棉蚜、溫度、族群介量、寄主植物。
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