DOI:10.6661/TESFE.2005020台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 25: 205-209 (2005) 研究報告  Research Article
Formosan Entomologist
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Luciola anceyi (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), a Firefly Capable of All-Day Mate-Finding 【Research Article】

Ming-Luen, Jeng Tsan-Rong, Chen Ping-Shih, Yang*
鄭明倫 陳燦榮 楊平世*
*通訊作者E-mail :
Received: 2005/08/26     Accepted: 2005/10/14     Available online: 2005/09/01
The firefly Luciola anceyi Olivier, with well-developed photogenic organs and filiform antennae in both sexes, was regarded as a night-active species. Yet it was found to be diurnally active in several localities of Taiwan in 2005 spring. A sampling area in Tainan was selected and the population size was roughly estimated by mark-release-recapture method. Flying males were found abundant during the day, but the recapture rate was low, ranging from 0 to 3%. This implied a high mobility of males in the habitat. Females were not as active as males in day-time flying and had a recapture rate highest at 18.8%, suggesting their lower mobility than males. Therefore, this species appears to be active all-day, using light and chemical cues to find mates both at night and during the day. None of the congeneric, allied, morphologically similar species have been found with such activity periods thus far. This implies that morphological traits may be used as a reference, but not a requirement for identifying the habit of a given firefly species. The already existing classification of firefly habits is discussed and a new criterion proposed.

大端黑螢 (Luciola anceyi Olivier) 兩性成蟲具有大型發光器及絲狀觸角,過去被認為是夜行性的種類,但在2005年春季我們發現其在白天亦非常活躍,且非偶發事件。在台南選取一個樣區,並以標記釋放再捕法推測其族群在調查期間之變動,發現大量雄蟲於日間飛行,但各次再捕率都很低,僅0~3%,反映雄蟲在棲地間的高流動性;日間飛行的雌蟲較雄蟲少,而再捕率最高達18.8%,顯示其流動性較雄蟲低。大端黑螢在白天與夜間皆活躍,並利用光與化學訊號在夜間與白天尋找配偶,同屬近似種類尚未發現類似現象,此顯示形態特徵僅能做為判斷活動習性的參考而非標準。文中對過去之活動習性區分方式提出檢討,並建議新的歸類原則。

Key words: Luciola anceyi, firefly, all-day mate-finding, mark-release- recapture, habit classification
關鍵詞: 大端黑螢、螢火蟲、全天尋找配偶、標記釋放再捕法、活動習性區分
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