DOI:10.6660/TESFE.1994048台灣昆蟲Formosan Entomol. 14: 539-542 (1994) 科學短訊  Scientific note
Formosan Entomologist
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Notes on the Rediscovery of Blattella bisignata (Brunner) in Taiwan and Its Morphological Discrimination from B. Germanica (L.) (Blattaria:Blattellidae) 【Scientific note】

雙紋姬蜚蠊 (Blattella bisignata (Brunner)) 之再發現及與德國姬蜚蠊 (B. germmanica (L.)) 之形態比較 (蜚蠊目:姬蜚蠊科)【科學短訊】
Wen-Jer Wu and Shiuh-Feng Shiao
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Received:      Accepted: 1994/10/12     Available online: 1994/12/01
A flying Blatterlla species which captured indoors from Taipei City was colonized in the laboratory and identified as Blattella bisignata (Brunner). Due to its similarity to the German cockroach, B. germanica (L.), some important morpological characters were proposed and photographed for taxonomic discrimination.

1993年5月間於台北市家屋內捕獲善飛之蜚蠊,經室內飼養並鑑定後,確認其為一巳記錄於台灣之雙紋姬蜚蠊(Blattella bisignata (Brunner)),由於其外形酷似德國姬蜚蠊(B. germmanica (L.)),本文特將兩者之重要特徵重新描述攝影,並加以區辨,以供讀者參考。

Key words: Blattella bisignata, Blattella germanica, Blatterllidae, Morphology, Taiwan.
關鍵詞: 雙紋姬蜚蠊、德國姬蜚蠊、姬蜚蠊科、形態、台灣。
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