  • 期刊


The Requirement for career guidance of student nurses


本研究目的在探討護生生涯輔導需求的程度、比較護生各項生涯輔導需求的程度是否有差異及不同背景變項的護生生涯轉導需求程度是否有差異。以台灣地區中部某技術學院護理系二技、四技與五專日間部護生為研究對象,採隨機抽樣方法進行調查,有效問卷1462份,佔實發問卷之86.2%。資料收集工具為「護生生涯輔導需求量表」,全量表隔二週再測Pearson相關信度係數.94,內在一致性Cronbach's α.97。結果顯示:(1)護生生涯輔導總需求甚高,介於需要至非常需要之間。(2)護生各項生涯輔導需求程度有顯著差異,全體護生以“就業安置與工作適應”的需求最高,其次依序為“自我了解”、“護理工作世異的了解”與“非護理工作世界的了解”,“生涯決定與生涯規劃”的需求最低。(3)護生的學制、年級、對護理的興趣、畢業後是否想繼續升學、畢業後從事護理工作的可能性、曾否選修生涯規劃課程或曾參加生涯研習活動等變項不同,其生涯輔導需求顯著差異。建議護理教育必須重視護生生涯輔導的需求,考量護生基本特性、安排重點不同的生涯輔導。


The goals of this study were to investigate the degree of career guidance the student nurses require, it's comparative difference, and how their various personal backgrounds effecting their choices in seeking career guidance differ. The survey was conducted in the manner of random sampling of degree-seeking registered nursing students, baccalaureate nursing students, and associated degree nursing students from a technical institute in central Taiwan. The valid samples were 1462, account for 86.2% of the totle questionnaires. The method of data collection was "The Scale of Career Guidance Requirement for Student Nurses ", with the test-retest reliability of .94 and Cronbach's αas .97. The major findings of this study were as follow: 1.The total degree of career guidance requirements were extremely high, ranging between needed to extremely needed. 2.The degree of student nurses' requirements from specific subcategories of career guidance showed significant variation. As a whole, the student nurses regarded "job settlement and adjustment" as their most required variable. Descending from their list of demands were : "self understanding" , "understanding of occupational field of nursing" , and "understanding of occupational exploration of non-nursing field" . The willingness to learn about "career decision and career planning" were the lowest. 3.Student nurses have different background such as : different degree, year of enrollment, interest in nursing, intention of academic continuation after graduation, intentions of acquiring a job in the nursing field after graduation, and their previous registration in career planning course or participation in career activities, which made the requirements for career guidance different. We suggest that nursing education must emphasize on the student's requirement for career guidance, evaluate their basic characteristic and arrange career guidance with different emphasis.


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