  • 期刊


Analysis on Learning Hours, Contents and Methods of Environmental Education for Taiwan’s Civil Servants, 2011-2016




The Environment Education Act in Taiwan requires civil servants to attend at least four hours of environmental education per year. This study is based on data reporting of environmental education from 2011 to 2016 and analyzed the changes and trends in civil servants' learning hours, contents and methods of environmental education. The research results show that each person spent an average of 7.42 hours per year with a growing trend during past six years, and the trend is conducive. Among nine types of learning contents, up to 77% of the civil servants are focused on Environmental and Resource Management, Nature Conservation, School and Social Environment Education. Every year, the contents of learning have changed slightly, and the civil servants' choices of contents have been affected by major environmental issues. Additionally, in 11 kinds of learning methods, half of the civil servants use the internet for learning or watch videos. There is a significant difference between indoor (77.32%) and outdoor (22.68%) learning. The majority of learning methods for indoor is static learning. Overall, the direction for future efforts is to let civil servants know multiple contents and balance learning.


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