  • 期刊


A Study on Disaster Resilience in Songhe Area


本研究關注重點為災害韌性,以12年前受敏督利、艾利颱風接連侵襲而發生大規模土石流災害的松鶴部落為驗證,瞭解這幾年來松鶴部落居民的災害回復以及如何與災害共存之韌性。本研究將松鶴部落的人與在地環境視為整體,以理解土石流災害過程如何影響松鶴部落的民眾與災害韌性的建立,徵求松鶴部落親身經歷過一次或數次土石流災害的29 位志願的在地居民進行深度訪談,整理出松鶴部落民眾在這幾年間已具備哪些災害經驗,並如何與災害環境共存。研究結果發現,松鶴部落的受災民眾能理解人與環境互動的重要性,並能完整看待自然環境與社會環境的整體性。在此背景下,本研究的結論為:(1)松鶴民眾在土石流災害後,對於土石流災害具有基本之生存能力與韌性。(2)松鶴部落的居民,會隨著時間、學習和受災經驗增加,而改變對於災害的認知、態度與共存之能力。期望透過松鶴部落的案例,能作為災害韌性相關研究之參考。


This study puts emphasis on disaster resilience and attempts to understand and validate the recovered Songhe tribe that was heavily struck by severe large-scale mudslides caused by two consecutive typhoons, Mindulle and Aere, 12 years ago. The objective is to understand the disaster process of mudslides and the formation of local people and resilience towards disasters. 29 volunteer inhabitants who have experienced mudslides were interviewed on how they developed their disaster resilience and how they reconnected with their environment. The research concluded that Songhe residents were equipped with basic resilience after mudslides. In addition, Songhe residents gained disaster experience through time, education and disaster occurrence, which altered their understanding, attitude, and ability to coexist with disasters. This research takes Songhe as an example in the hope of setting up a reference study for further investigation in the field of disaster resilience.


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