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Geochemical Characteristics and Mineralogy of Chrysocolla Chalcedony from Different Mines in the World


矽孔雀石藍玉髓為臺灣本土最知名的寶玉石品種,因其美麗的綠藍至藍綠色澤,也被業界尊稱為"臺灣藍寶"。世界各地藍玉髓多以斑岩銅礦副產物之形式產出,由熱液作用帶來隱晶質二氧化矽,混合矽孔雀石為主的一系列含銅礦物,而其美麗色澤即起因於矽孔雀石微包裹體。臺灣藍玉髓主產於海岸山脈都巒山層的安山岩與火山角礫岩中,藍玉髓以透鏡狀體產於圍岩裂隙或破裂帶內,玉髓脈周圍也因後期熱液換質作用而產生綠鱗石化或黏土化。受限於礦業法規,臺灣本土礦場受到嚴格的管制,開採的環境成本日增且產能有限,造就了臺灣藍玉髓的高昂身價。隨著寶石市場需求日增,進口藍玉髓以臺灣藍寶之名銷售已對本土產藍玉髓產生衝擊。因應產業之需求,本研究對七個產地的藍玉髓樣本進行一系列礦物及地球化學分析,樣本分別來自於臺灣-都蘭山寶豐祥礦場1號坑(Bao-Feng-Xiang)、美國-亞利桑那州靈感礦(Inspiration mine, Arizona, U.S.A.)、美國-亞利桑那州雷礦(Ray mine, Arizona, U.S.A.)、秘魯-皮斯科百合(Lily mine, Pisco, Peru)、秘魯-阿雷基帕(Arequipa, Peru) 與印尼-卡西魯達島(Kasiruta Island, Indonesia)、墨西哥-澤卡特卡斯(Zecatecas, Mexico)等七個產地,希望透過礦物組成或地球化學特徵等,區別臺灣與其他產地藍玉髓的差異,作為未來業界藍玉髓產地鑑定之可行性評估。初步結果顯示,不同產地之藍玉髓在礦物組成上,可能透過斜矽石含量加以區分,印尼產藍玉髓平均斜矽石含量最高,墨西哥澤卡特卡斯礦則是平均最低,幾乎不含斜矽石;部分產地之藍玉髓在地球化學特徵上有明顯差異,以臺灣寶豐祥藍玉髓為例,相較於其他產區具有高錳、高鈾與高鉀的趨勢。


藍玉髓 臺灣藍寶 EDXRF 斜矽石 產地鑑定


Chrysocolla chalcedony is the most well-known gemstone variety in Taiwan. Because of its beautiful green-blue to blue-green color, chrysocolla chalcedony is also known as "Taiwan Blue Chalcedony" by the jewellery industry. Chrysocolla chalcedony from different mines in the world is mostly produced in the form of porphyry copper deposit, which is formed by hydrothermal process and is mainly composed of cryptocrystalline silica and a series of copper-containing minerals such as chrysocolla. The beautiful color of chrysocolla chalcedony is caused by chrysocolla inclusions. "Taiwan blue chalcedony" is mainly produced in the andesite and volcanic breccia of the Dulan Shan Formation of the Coastal Range, especially in the fissures or rupture zones of the celadonitized host rock as a lens due to metasomatism. Regulated by Mineral Industries Act, Taiwanese local mines are strictly restrained with increasing environmental cost for mining and the limited production capacity, which result in the high value of "Taiwan blue chalcedony". With the increasing market demand for "Taiwan Blue Chalcedony", imported chrysocolla chalcedony has been sold in the trade name of "Taiwan Blue Chalcedony" and impacted local chrysocolla chalcedony severely. In response to the needs of the jewellery industry, this study conducts a series of mineralogical and geochemical analyses on chrysocolla chalcedony from seven origins: Bao-Feng-Xiang Mine Pit 1, Dulan Mountain Range, Taiwan; Inspiration Mine, Arizona, USA; Ray Mine, Arizona, USA; Lily, Pisco, Peru; Arequipa, Peru; Kasiruta Island, Indonesia; Zecatecas, Mexico. The motivation for this study is to distinguish the origin of chrysocolla chalcedony by mineral composition and geochemical characteristics, as feasibility evaluation on the origin identification of chrysocolla chalcedony from Taiwan and other countries in the future. Preliminary results show that the chrysocolla chalcedony of different origins may be distinguished by the content of moganite. Chrysocolla chalcedony from Indonesia has the highest average moganite content; Chrysocolla chalcedony from Zecatecas Mine in Mexico has the lowest average moganite content which is close to zero content. Chrysocolla chalcedony of some origin has significant differences in geochemical characteristics: for instance, compared with other origins, chrysocolla chalcedony from Bao-Feng-Xiang Mine has a trend of higher manganese, higher uranium and higher potassium content.


邵文佑,2015。利用鋯石鈾鉛定年與鉿同位素組成探討臺灣東部火成岩之岩石成因, 臺灣大學地質科學系碩士論文,1-287頁。
