  • 期刊


Effects of Peer-assisted Learning Strategies on Reading Literacy for Sixth Graders


本研究目的在探討同儕學習協助策略對提升國小高年級普通班學生語文能力之情形,作為教師在選取證據本位教學(evidence-based instruction)之參考。研究方法採準實驗設計(quasi-experimental design)之不等組時間系列設計,對象為兩班六年級共57位普通班學生,隨機分派為實驗組與對照組。實驗組接受每週兩堂課,為期八週的同儕學習協助策略教學,控制組則維持原班教學。參與學生於教學前、中、後分別接受三次的閱讀理解成長測驗及朗讀流暢度測驗,並對實驗組學生進行八次依據PIRLS閱讀理解四層次向度自編之閱讀理解形成性評量,最後輔以問卷調查。資料分別採二因子重複量數變異數分析、單因子重複量數變異數分析及百分比統計方式進行,結果顯示:一、兩組學生在「閱讀理解成長測驗」的表現無顯著差異。二、實驗組於朗讀流暢度進步幅度顯著優於對照組,η^2效果值.26,屬於高度關聯強度。三、實驗組於自編閱讀理解形成性評量成績呈現明顯上升趨勢,達到顯著差異,η^2效果值.73,屬於高度關聯強度。四、實驗組學生對同儕學習策略課程接受度高,其中最喜愛輪流指導任務和預測下文的活動,學生表示在該課程中上課的參與感及同儕互動情形均有提升。最後,根據研究結果提出對未來研究與教學實務之建議。


This study aims to examine the effects of Peer Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS) for elementary school students in regular classes. Fifty-seven 6^(th) graders participated the study and randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. The experimental group implemented PALS reading instruction for 10 weeks. The control group stayed with their original instruction. Data were analyzed through two-way repeated measured ANOVA. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed those in the control group in terms of reading comprehension and oral reading fluency (η^2 = .26 and .73, respectively). The results indicated the evidence of the effectiveness of PALS reading instruction for Chinese-speaking students. Based on the results, more discussions and suggestions were provided.


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