  • 期刊


Discuss the Concrete Marketing Strategy of Guang-Chun Elementary School in Pingtung County


屏東縣光春國小在新校園成立後,為了招收新生,爭取更多的家長認同,學校以培養創意求新、全人發展的健全國民為目標;以「健康學園品質光春」為願景;以營造人文、合作、前瞻、創新為理念;並秉持著人本、精緻、多元、社群的發展策略,期望發展成為一所小而美、小而好、有朝氣、有活力、有潛力的優質化學校。 雖然面臨「少子化」所帶來的衝擊,但光春國小卻能從92學年度的11班,增加到目前99學年度的22班,在各校面臨減班的壓力下,光春國小如何運用學校自身的行銷策略,提升學校經營效能,塑造優質形象,打造優良品牌,增加學生人數,是本文將探討的重點。因此,本文先從學校行銷的概念作說明,再分享光春國小的具體行銷策略(5P行銷策略、學校內部、外部及互動行銷策略等)。


In order to recruit more students as well as to draw more attentions from their parents, the president of Guang-Chun Elementary School in Pingtung County set an educational goal right after taking over the new campus: to enhance young learners' creativity, innovation and soundness. The president and school managers took the slogan ”Healthy Campus, Quality Guang-Chun” as the prospect of the school and ”Developing Humanity, Cooperation, Perspective and Innovation” as its ideal. In addition, they adopted the strategies of humanity, elaboration, multi-dimension and community in the hope of making Guang-Chun a small but beautiful, excellent, energetic and active school of high potential and high quality. Facing the difficult situation due to the low birth rate though, the number of classes in Guang-Chun Elementary School t increased dramatically for the past few years-from 11 classes in school year 2003 to 22 classes in school year 2010. While many other schools confronting the pressure of class reduction, the president of Guang-Chun Elementary School has attempted to use marketing strategy, to improve the effectiveness of school management, to create a high quality image and a first-rate brand as well as to increase the number of students. This study started with the illustration of school marketing and it was then followed by the concrete strategies (including 5P marketing, internal marketing, external and interactive marketing strategies and so on).


