  • 期刊


A Study on Situational Interest and Learning Satisfaction in university Physical Education Courses - a case study of fun teaching basketball lessons




The research discussed the influence on situational interest and learning satisfaction based on fun teaching, selecting the research audience from the first-year physical education students at Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Collected estimation of situational interest and learning satisfaction from schools of engineering, business, humanities, social sciences, and digital design, which accounted for 430 students. Conducted research methods, such as T-test, one-way analysis of variance, and canonical correlation analysis. The results found that students' sex and schools were no discrepancy in situational interest and learning satisfaction, whereas situational interest and learning satisfaction had significant canonical correlations. The research is based on fun teaching basketball lessons, discovering male and female students from four schools had the same evaluation in situational interest and learning satisfaction. Furthermore, situational interest and learning satisfaction have an assertive relation, demonstrating that if students have a positive situational interest, they will have positive learning satisfaction.


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