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A Vehicle Navigation System with Augmented Reality and Real-time Traffic Information on an Embedded Platform


本研究提出一個整合即時交通資訊與即時影像的主動式導航系統,採用DM3730嵌入式平臺建置系統,整合了Google Maps API、GPS、電子羅盤與CCD攝影機,提供擴增實境(Augmented Reality,AR)導航讓駕駛在螢幕中更快速比對路徑並且搭配Google Maps顯示目前位置。此外,系統將主動顯示即時交通資訊以及即時影像,使得系統更人性化並且讓駕駛隨時隨地掌握交通狀況。路徑規劃方面,提出全城最短路徑且區域最短時間的方法,同時改良A*路徑規劃演算法,加入即時交通資訊和歷史交通資訊等因素來規劃考量實際路況之最佳路徑。實驗結果顯示,本研究所設計之動態路徑比不考慮交通資訊之路徑更能節省駕駛人花費的時間。


This paper propos s an active vehicle navigation system integrating real-time traffic information and images to solve the addressed problems. The proposed system was built on a DM3730 embedded platform, equipped with a CPS module, a CCD camera module, and an electronic compass. An augmented reality navigation is designed to assist drivers in obtaining guidance of the navigation path more efficiently. In addition, the nearby real-time traffic information and images are actively provided according to the current location of the driver, which makes the pertinent traffic information more easily available to the driver anytime and anywhere. For active path planning, not only an enhanced A* shortest path algorithm is applied by integrating real time and history traffic information, but also the shortest path method for the global region and the shortest time method for the local region are automatically adopted for drivers.


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